Prince Charming Gone Wrong.

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Chapter 7

Noel's POV

My stomach felt queasy as I walked to lunch with Lizzy Beth. She texted me last night that I most definitely have a boy to fake date. And that he openly, happily agreed to it, which made me feel loads better about this crazy plan. She told me that I do know the boy, which I was happy about. I don't want to do this with a stranger. Real or not. I trust her, but I'm still a bit anxious. Elizabeth refused to tell me who the boy was. She said I'd have to wait to see who he is at lunch. I'm excited, but nervous. I want to impress the boy that I'll be fake dating but I have no reason to. It's confusing. I curled my hair today instead of leaving it in its natural waves, and I put more thought into my outfit choice. Hopefully this is a new start for me.

Elizabeth and I take a seat at her and Niall's usual table. Niall is waiting for us when we get there. "He should be here soon." Niall smiles as I sit across from the lovebirds.

"I'm quite nervous. What if he changes his mind? That would be so humiliating," I begin to rethink all of this. Why did I agree to such an unrealistic plan?

"Noel. Trust me. This is going to go fine, okay? You'll be thanking me." Elizabeth gives me an encouraging smile before focusing on something over my head.

"Here he comes," Niall says as I begin to turn to look at the mystery boy but I'm stopped by Liz throwing her hands in my face.

"No no no no no. Don't look. Just act normal okay?" Elizabeth instructs me. I take a deep breath and look down at my lunch for the day, sliced fruit, trying to act like my heart isn't going retarded inside of me.

I jump when I feel an arm over my shoulders and feel someone plop down on the side of me.

"Hi, sweetheart. How're ya?" I know that voice. This can't be happening. No. No. No.

Sure enough, I look up to see the devil in disguise smiling down at me. Bloody hell. I should've known nothing good would come out of this. I feel stupid and humiliated. Humiliated that I wanted to impress my fake boyfriend, and it ends up being just Harry. I really thought my fake nite and shining armor would come sweep me off my feet. Yeah, right.

I turn back to see Elizabeth and Niall smiling at us, full of fondness. They're out of their fucking minds.

Hate to burst their fucking bubble, but no way. "No way in bloody hell am I fake dating him." I point my thumb to Harry.

"Aw baby. Come on. Words hurt," Harry says as he grabs his heart, pretending to be hurt. Funny thing is, this boy has no heart.

I look away from Harry in disgust, "Elizabeth. May I have a word with you?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Well why now? Let's stay. It's a great opportunity to get to know one another." She motions between me and Harry.

"Now. Elizabeth." I push myself away from the table and Harry's arm falls from it's place on my shoulders. I hear Elizabeth's heels click behind me as I walk away.

"Don't be long, babe!" Harry calls to me and my blood boils.

I pull her to a corner. "Is this some kind of joke?!" I streak. "Elizabeth, really, if the only damn guy that agreed to do this was him, you should've just called it off. You know him. And you know me. Why would you do this?"

"Noel you're freaking out for nothing. It's fake, remember? No strings attached. And who else could make Baylor shake in his boots other than Harry? It's perfect. And he's not that bad once you get to know him. Plus, I got the hot part right on tack. Have you seen the kid?"

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