Questioning Thoughts.

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Chapter 2

Harry's POV

"Well, I will be seeing you around, Noel Reid." I shoot her a famous Styles' smirk and walk off, hopefully leaving her wanting more, although I know she will.

Noel Reid. An unknown beauty. She's a quiet one, but still has that wild spark within her, or so I've heard. Without a doubt, she's a stunner, but selfishly keeps it all to herself. She doesn't flaunt herself like some of the other desperate girls at this school, whose cheeks hang from their tiny shorts and breasts bounce out from their tight tops.

I smile thinking about the innocent look on her face when I brought our bodies together, a little too close for her liking. Then again, she did stare at me for way longer than necessary, blue eyes wide, reading me almost. I've noticed her, definitely have. She's one of those girls that just kinda catch your eye almost. It's hard to ignore her looks. Her long, brown hair that falls beautifully down the small of her back. Those red, plump lips, so inviting. Doesn't matter though, I'd never go for a girl like her.

As I get into my old, beaten up truck, my mind keeps wandering back to her. I wonder where she was off to in such a hurry. Probably Baylor, that dodgy arsehole. How could he possibly get a girl like her? I bet she's sitting in his fancy car right now. He probably has his hand placed on her thigh as she laughs at what he says. I bet she'll lean over the console and place a sweet kiss on his neck. I bet when she sits back in her seat, she'll give him that look, that look that I'll never receive from any girl.

I snap out of my trance when a black Range Rover cuts me off. Asshole. It wasn't until then that I noticed my knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel with such force.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I turn into my small driveway and park my truck with a sigh. I walk into my cozy home to be greeted by Lil B jumping into my arms. After giving me my usual after school tight embrace, I place him on the ground and crouch to his eye-level.

"Harry, guess what happened today?" Brently asks with a huge grin on his little face. Before I have time to answer, he's bouncing on his feet, already bombarding me with words. "At recess today, Connor was teasing Lily because she got a new haircut. Well, I walked up to him and said that I thought she looked quite fit. And you know what happened next? You'll never guess Harry! Lily and I snogged."

"You snogged her Brently?!"

"Yup! And I'm only seven years old! I believe that broke a record." his smile grows even wider.

"Well, mate, I hate to break it to you, but girls have cooties, and if you and Lily snogged, that means you have it to."

"Guess that just makes me a man like you. Who was it that gave it to you the other day? Was it Jane or Mattie? Oh! Or could it have been Briana or maybe it was that Sage one. Oh wait! I know! I know! It was definitely Ang-"

I cut him off by doing what I know he hates most, grabbing him and flipping him upside down, dangling him in the air. Brently's laughter could be heard throughout our entire home. He hates this because it makes him feel small, and that's the last thing he wants to be.

"Come on! Put me down!"

I throw him onto the sofa and begin to tickle at his sides. I love doing this.

"I'll stop when you forget their names," I offer as he lashes out under my hands.

"Okay, okay! There's just so many, I already forgot."

"So many...?" I give him a questioning look, raising my hands, a silent threat that I'm not afraid to attack again.

"Not my fault you snogged the whole school already." Brently teases and laughs at me.

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