Makes Her Strong.

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Listen to these songs while reading the chapter, it helps. :)

Turning Page by Sleeping at Last

Steve's Theme by Aaron Zigman

Strong by One Direction

{especially Strong because I feel like it's just so perfect for the chapter and Harry and Noel and ugh. Ahaha. Enjoy!}

Chapter 22

Noel's POV

Harry took my hand and dragged me toward the dance floor that was now filled with couples slow dancing. As if this day couldn't get any worse, I'm about to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone. I can't dance to save my life.

We're about to step foot on the dance floor when Maisie and Andrew step in front of us. Images of Maisie kissing Harry comes back to mind and a spark of jealousy ignites within me. Poor Andrew, he doesn't have a clue that not long ago, his girlfriend was cheating on him. I don't have the heart to tell him.

"Baylor, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Andrew." I look up at Harry at see discomfort on every inch of his face. They awkwardly shake hands. "Noel, isn't it nice to see Andrew again?" She gives me a bitchy smile.


"Well I mean, I just know that huge crush you've been having on him since like...forever. But he's all mine." She giggles and leans into Andrew's side. He gives me an uncomfortable look. Don't get me wrong, Andrew is attractive, but I don't have a crush on him. I never did. This is just another scam Maisie is pulling to make my life hell.

If she wants to be that way, then fine.

"Oh, sure. Yeah, I've had a crush on Andrew. But so have you, right? You've had your crushes lately. Andrew hasn't been around. Why don't you fill him in? Tell him what those lips of your have been up to? Tell him who you've been kissing." Maisie and Andrew's faces drop and satisfaction fills me.


"Well, we're gonna leave you two to talk and what not." I shoot them a smile and pull Harry away.

Harry finds us an empty space to dance. We stand on the dance floor and Harry grabs my hands. He kisses my knuckles then places my hands behind his neck and I lace my fingers together. Harry grabs my waist and pulls our bodies closer. Why is he doing this to me?

He slowly starts swaying us to the slow music, leading us. I follow his slow movements and focus on not stepping on his feet. Harry lowers his hands on my hips and tingles spread through my body. They shouldn't, but they do.

"I'm proud of you," Harry says suddenly.

"What?" I look up to him.

"You finally stood up for yourself." He smiles, "I'm proud of you." He repeats.

"Thanks," I half smile.

No more words are spoken as we sway along to the music. I place my head on Harry's chest as we dance. Maybe things will be alright between us. I just have to push my feeling to the side and we could stay friends. Yeah. Friends would be nice.

"Gosh!" I jump and Harry and I's dancing comes to a stop. I turn to see Mason standing there with a huge goofy smile on his tan face, "Y'all are the cutest couple I've ever seen, cuter than the bride and groom for sure. Let me take y'all picture." He holds up his black iPhone.

"No. No it's fi-"

"Smile!" He says and I sigh. Harry and I come closer and smile. The flash goes off as Mason snaps the picture. "Perfect." He wiggles his eyebrows and walks away.

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