Carried Away.

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Chapter 24

Noel's POV

I woke up with Harry's arms wrapped around me, his cheek resting on my head. I smile, enjoying waking up like this. At first it was strange, being close like this with Harry, but now I don't mind it one bit. I sigh, remembering today Harry and I go back home. I don't want to go back. I can't help but feel like the progress we made this weekend will completely disappear when we do.

I look up over Harry's shoulder, trying to see the clock that's sat on the bedside table. It reads 10:02. Checkout is at 11:00. I groan, slowly prying Harry's arms off of me so I could start to pack up the few things I didn't last night. I sit up and start to pull the duvet away.

"Where are you going?" I jump slightly when I hear Harry's raspy voice from behind. I turn and see he has one eye open, squinting.

"Finish packing. Checkout is in an hour." I inform him, pushing away my thoughts about how cute Harry is with messy hair and a sleepy voice.

"Come back and cuddle." He wines like a child and holds his arms out to me.

As much as I'd love to, I can't. "Harry, I want to, but we gotta get going soon. Get up and pack."

"I'm not getting up at all if you don't come back here and cuddle with me." He pouts, sticking out his bottom lip, "Pretty please?" He adds and I sigh, giving in. I crawl back into Harry's arms and he pulls me as close as possible. "Thank you." He says quietly and kisses my hair.

"This is only for thirty minutes. Then we get ready, okay?" I warn him and nuzzle further into his bare toned chest, his warmth engulfing me.

"Mhm" he hums and I tuck the duvet under my chin.

The room is quiet besides Harry's slow, even breathing. I take the time to admire him. His berry colored lips are slightly parted, long eyelashes lying on his cheek bones. Harry's messy curls are pushed back, fanned out onto the pillow, giving me a perfect view of his flawless face. I can easily see why girls swoon and hook up with him even though they know all he does is break hearts. I push the thought of Harry with other girls and him breaking my heart away and go back to admiring him.

"Stop staring." He mumbles and the arm that's thrown around me pulls me closer.

My cheeks heat red, embarrassed that I'd been caught, and place my head against his warm chest.


"Can you stop that?" I ask Harry for what feels like the twentieth time while we wait in the ridiculously long line to check out.

Of course I had the hardest time getting him out of bed once our thirty minute cuddle session was over. I learned today that Harry isn't a morning person, despite it only being 10:30. He pouted and sat on the bed while I ran across the room packing the rest of our belongings. I made the simple mistake of flicking Harry's nose when he refused to get out of bed. Now, stuck in this dreadfully long line, he won't stop flicking my ear.

"Nope." He smiles and does it again.

"Harry, I will slap you right here if you don't stop."

"Shouldn't of flicked me earlier, nugget."

I ignore his comment about calling me a nugget and move up in line. A few moments pass and finally, we're at the front. To my dismay, it's the same rude employee working the main desk.

"How may I help you?" She asks in her signature unfriendly tone.

"We need to check out." Harry speaks for us.

After typing in our information, she asks for our room key. I hand her back the black key, "So how was it with only one bed?" She asks with a smirk and an evil laugh. My thoughts are that she did this on purpose. They probably weren't booked like she claimed.

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