Heated Scrabble.

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Chapter 34

Noel's POV

"Stop cheating!" I laugh and shove Harry's shoulder.

"Don't be a sore loser," Harry rolls his eyes and chuckles. "It's not my fault you're behind B and I."

"You can't choose what number you want the spinner to land on and then place it there!" I laugh, "That's cheating."

He sits up and asks in all seriousness, "Brently, am I cheating?"

Brently just laughs and answers yes before taking his turn.

It was Friday evening and we were laid out on our bellies in the middle of the family room playing The Game of LIFE. Harry and I were invited to Louis' for 'drinks and a good time,' as he called it, but we chose to stay in instead. Anne had to work a double shift at the hospital and Gemma is on a date, leaving it just Harry, Brently, and I to entertain ourselves with junk food and board games.

"I'm definitely going to get to retirement first," B brags as he moves his blue car across the board.

"Don't be cocky, B. Noel's a sore loser. She may pout," Harry warns and sends me a playful smirk.

"He's in the lead fair and square. Not bluffing like you are," I retaliate, but still break into a smile when Harry sticks his tongue out at me.

"Okay, okay fine. Here," Harry digs through his LIFE money, holding out an artificial twenty for me to take. "To make up for it. Now quit crying."

"Sorry, I only accept hundreds," I decline the bill. Harry groans and fishes out a solid hundred pounds from his stash.

"You're lucky I fancy you," he mutters.

"Can we get on with the game?" Brently yawns and Harry takes his turn.

We continue the game, nearing the end. Harry's green car is filled with a tiny pink person, representing his wife, along with four children. He whispers that that'll be us and our babies and mentions names that would be perfect for our young ones. I want to believe he is joking with me, but the seriousness in his eyes and voice is too strong to ignore. Thankfully B heard nothing he said.

I was rolling, in last place might I add, into retirement when Gemma appeared in the doorway of the room. Brently had finished in first place minutes ago and had fallen asleep with his head resting against Harry's shoulder.

"Someone's out," Gemma laughs and motions towards the lightly snoring boy. She's dressed beautifully with her long hair curled and clad in a red dress. Her makeup is done simply but with elegance.

"Yeah," Harry rasps, "how was your date with mystery boy?"

"Great," she smiles. Then changes the subject, "Did you two eat? I brought leftovers."

"Yeah, I whipped out my famous pancakes that you love. You missed out," he teases. My mouth waters at the remembrance of the buttermilk pancakes Harry cooked for the three of us. They were out of this world.

"Shucks," Gem rolls her eyes and smirks, looking just like her older brother.

Harry gently pushes Brently's head off his shoulder before standing and stretching, causing his spine to crack and pop.

"I'll walk him to bed," he whispers as his lifts Brently to his feet. He and Harry take a few steps, B completely drowsy and not fully conscious, before Harry gives up and carries him in his arms up the stairs.

I sit up and start putting the small pieces back in the baggies. Gemma walks further into the room and lowers herself, sitting on her heels.

"Need help?" she asks, but doesn't wait for a response as she grabs the loose money and organizes it.

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