Picking Up the Pieces.

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Chapter 5

Noel's POV

I go straight upstairs to my loo. I feel disgusting. And once I look at myself in the mirror, I see that I look disgusting as well. My eye liner is smudged, faint black streaks run down my cheeks from crying with mascara on, my hair is tangled, and my face is puffy because of all the crying I've done. There's a faint red marking on my face from where Baylor slapped me. I sigh, the pain in my head hasn't subsided yet. After taking two aspirins, I begin stripping away what's left of my dress. Memories flash through my head of just an hour ago of Baylor violating me. I shudder and turn the shower water as hot as possible and step in. The steaming water burns my skin, but in some way it gives me a slight relief. Thoughts flash through my head about what just happened. I feel like I'm living a nightmare.

I scrub my body clean, trying to wash away the feeling of his cold hands grasping me in all the wrong ways. After my shower, I lay in bed and can't help but replay this whole night over and over in my head. I try to fall asleep but it's hopeless. I toss and turn but Baylor's actions and vile words towards me keep me awake. I can't help but cry. I cry because I feel so weak. I cry because with every breath I take, I feel my broken heart. I cry because I'm scared, because I'm falling. I cry myself to sleep that night.

Saturday. I lay in bed all day staring at the ceiling. I don't have the courage or willpower to move. I only got out to make myself a cup of tea. I slept horribly last night. The same nightmare repeating, waking me from my slumber every half an hour or so. The nightmare is the same each time. It starts with Baylor pushing me on the bed. The same awful things happen in the nightmare that did last night, except this time, I don't get away. He has me trapped. I push and shove at his chest but it's hopeless, and in the end, he ends up getting what he wanted all along.

Every time I fell asleep, that stupid nightmare would haunt my mind, waking me and leaving me alert, breathing heavily in my bed.

Sunday. I slept the same as I did the night before, horribly. Sitting in my bed, my eyes were droopy. I didn't want to sleep though. Sleeping would make the nightmares come back.

I felt my stomach grumble, telling me it's hungry. I realized all I drank was a cup of tea, besides that, I hadn't eaten since Friday. I roll out of bed, literally, and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I open all the cabinets and the refrigerator in search of food. I need to make a grocery bill soon. Finally, I find a can of chicken noodle soup that I make myself on the stove. After eating, I check my phone. Four missed calls, three unread text messages, and one voicemail.

Two texts are from Elizabeth.

'Hiii! How'd the party go?'

'Where did you disappear to? Answer me Noel Reid!'

If only she knew.. I know I should text her back, but I honestly can't even think about explaining what happened. I'm not even sure about any of this myself. I decide I'll answer her later and read my next text.

It's from fucking Baylor.

'Listen to your voicemail, baby.'

My heart is beating a thousand beats per second. Should I listen to it? Why the hell did that bastard call me baby?!

After contemplating whether to listen to the message or not, I give in and listen to it. I take a deep breath and press play. Baylor's voice fills my empty room.

"Hey sweetheart. Listen, I don't know what you thought that was Friday night, but I promise you that was just my drunk arse making a huge mistake. I was drunk, Noel. Please call me back babe. I love you, and I'm sorry."

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