(1) Going Home

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Chapter One (Hannah’s POV) 

 “Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!” I looked away from the newest copy of Harry Potter and tried to find who was calling me. It wasn’t long before I saw the brown-haired blue-eyed boy running up to me aka Nate Daniels.     

“Hey what’s up?” I asked. 

“Nothing, I just wanted to give you something before you move away so you remember me” He replied, biting his lip and looking around. 

“Nate I’ll always remember you” I replied with a frown. You see, tomorrow I’ll be moving to LA because my Dad got a job promotion and it was something we couldn’t turn down. I don’t want to move and leave Nate but there’s no other option.

“Don’t be silly nerd, you probably will forget, anyways close your eyes and turn around”. I sighed and did as he said, I felt something cool on my neck, I looked down and saw a beautiful heart-shaped locket. Aw my favourite shape. Inside was a picture of me and him playing around in the mud.

We took that picture the day we decided to go camping and kept tripping each other up because, well, we were 8 and we found it funny. On the back of it was written ‘Best Friends Forever’. I couldn’t help but shed some tears. About a minute later I started sobbing and hugged Nate so tight, not knowing whether I’ll see him ever again.

“Hannah, are you ready to go?!”

“Yes Mum! Give me two minutes!” I wiped the few tears that had escaped and were rolling down my cheek. I quickly placed the photo in my bag. Since that day, Nate and I haven’t contacted each other once, so much for best friends forever. I tried calling him so many times but not once did he try. Every time I would call he would be out or busy. I’m pretty sure that he just didn’t want to talk to me. I called him at least once every week for the first year but I was ignored.

In that photo I was hugging Nate just before I left. But that was 10 years ago and even though I haven’t forgotten about him, I’m pretty sure he’s forgotten about me.

I grabbed all my stuff and piled it into my Dad’s SUV. Being in LA sure had its perks. Dad just kept on getting promoted and now he owns his own business which is one of the richest in the world, so yeah you can say I’m quite spoilt, but spoilt with love.

Since I’m an only child, Mum and Dad are focused on keeping me happy, whether that was getting the newest books, phones, cars, they didn’t care, they just wanted me to be happy. I may or may not sometimes take advantage of that.

I think it’s time for me to introduce myself. I’m known as Hannah Clarke, daughter of Steve and Maria Clarke who own the world’s 5th largest business. We own hotels, restaurants and all sorts of stuff. You name it, we probably own it.

Anyways back to me, I’m 17 years old but will be turning 18 in exactly a month on the 9th of April. I have blue eyes and wavy blonde hair. That’s probably the best thing about me, my hair, because I rarely have a bad hair day, my hair’s just so easy to handle.

I’m what people would class as a “nerd” because I love reading, but I do have a social life as well, I just don’t have a really active one because people are always using me for my money. It’s such a pain in the ass. They would talk to me and then instantly think we’re the best of friends.

 I don’t find myself as someone boring, I can be quite bubbly and hyperactive but only if I’m comfortable with you. If I’m not, well then, I just stay in my little world and keep myself to myself.

I’ve been so lost in my daydream that I didn’t even realise I’m sitting in the plane already. Oh well, I have a long flight to London, might as well get cosy.

The person sitting next to me, who is an old lady, has already fallen asleep. I wish I could take our private jet but mum and dad are taking it to their romantic holiday and no way did I want to join them.

That is one thing I absolutely adore about my parents, they are totally and utterly in love. It’s been around 25 years since they got married and they still love each other like they are newly married. They’re the reason I still believe in love. I hope one day I find a person who loves me for me and not my money.

The lady at the front, who had way too much make up on, was showing the passengers what to do in case of an emergency. I completely tuned her out and just looked out the window. 

After around 10 minutes, the plane finally took off. The flight is 7-8 hours long so I guess I’ll be watching movies and listening to music to pass the time.

I dozed off in the middle of the third movie I was watching today.

I was woken up by the flight attendant asking me what I wanted to eat. I don’t really like air plane food but I was starving so I just asked for a turkey sandwich. While I was waiting for the food, something or should I say someone, caught my eye. It was a person who had a black hoodie on and was covering his face with a black scarf. I could just barely see bright green eyes just staring at me. I instantly looked away and looked around awkwardly. The way those green eyes just stared at me made me feel uncomfortable. His eyes felt familiar but I couldn’t place where I had seen them. Oh well, maybe it’s just my imagination. When I looked back the hooded person was gone. The person looked like a male but I don’t know for definite. Okay it was definitely my imagination.

To keep my mind off the creepy person I decided to watch ‘21 Jump Street’. I mainly picked that movie because I wanted to stare at Channing Tatum’s face for 2 hours straight. You can’t deny that Channing has the face and body of an angel. It was 10 minutes into the movie and I was already laughing my head off. When the flight attendant tapped me on my shoulder to catch my attention so she can pass me my food, I literally grabbed the tray and stuffed my face. Don’t judge me, I hadn’t had any breakfast this morning. I’ve had better sandwiches but I still finished every crumb.

As soon as I finished watching ’21 Jump Street’ I saw that there was still 4 hours left of the journey so I decided to have a little nap. Again. 


Hope you liked the chapter :) We'll be updating very soon. Feel free to vote and comment. Remember that this is the first the chapter of the first book that we have written so it won't be the best. We will get better over time so give us a chance :)  Oh, and pic on the side is Hannah, the trailer is also on the side :)

Thanks, Pringles and Snow.

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