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Birds chirp sitting on the open window of his room which seem to be very untidy .. Clothes scattered in every side of the room shoes on the bed side table just besides the alarm clock which was ringing on an on waiting for someone to shut it down ... On the bed a boy was sleeping .. Stretching his hands and legs bit not properly waking up when a voice struck his ears

"BARRY!!!!!!!" It was a women .. She called Barry a few more times until he processed the tone in his head he jerked up and woke .. Realizing that this voice belongs to non other than his mother ..

Yes it was Nora Allen , Barry was confused and shocked as if to last thing he rememberd was sitting in the house with Joe , iris , Caitlin , Cisco and wally !

He looked around the room , it wasn't his room .. But he has seen it before .. As he was analyzing what's going on an aquarium caught his eye .. It was a gift from his dad on his 9th birthday !

He soon understood where he was , he was in his house , his room .. He held his head trying to remember what had happened and prices of memories came back to him

*"Your not gonna kill her this time " *

He closed his eyes tightely his head started hurting as he tried to remember

*"you're safe" *

He heard this words in his mind and flashes of him saving her emerge in his head

He was now breathing heavily .. He buried his face in his hands ...

"I did it!, it worked ! " he smiled

"Barry ! Get down here right now! " another person called this time it was a man .. Barry listened close it was henry Allen !

Barry couldn't have been more happier listening to his voice ...
"Coming!" He shouted

His parents were alive .. He couldn't have wanted anything more in his life .. He got up and looked at his room and it was a mess

"Ahh!!" He said looking at his room ..

"Not a problem " he smirked as he got up and concentrated in the time and his speed and moved towards the shoes .. He was stunned and shocked ... He didn't had his speed .. He ran slow even for a normal person ..

He sighed and sat down !

He got up immediately and went into the bathroom .. And brushed his teeth

"Okay Barry Allen ! Your the slowest man alive now " he said

"But its okay! You've got them now!" He looked in the mirror and smiled ..

He ran downstairs and to the living room where his dad was watching TV-News and his mother was in the kitchen making him pancakes ..

"Barry you need to get me some groacer--" Nora was about to finish when Barry hugged her surprisingly

"Okayyyy" she hugged back with complete motherly love

"I love you mom! " he said pulling away from the hug

"I love you too my beautiful boy" she kissed his cheek
Barry had tears in his eyes for he wanted to hear her say that so badly for all these years

"Now what do you want ?"
She continued

"What nothing ! Why would you think I'd want something " he looked up at her

"No.. Its just that .. First you come here for the night and then youre behavior is over affectionate .. " his mother pointed giving his a pancake

"soooo," he asked as If trying to figure out how things work in this timeline

"So we're not 4 yearz old, we can put 2 and 2 together ! "
His dad said sitting on the couch

Barry was confused what to say now .. Because he didn't remembered anything from this timeline what so ever .. At least not yet!

"I just missed you guys" he said easing up the situation taking a bite of his pancake

Henry laughed "its a good one "

Barry scratched his head not sure what was happening !

He finished breakfast his eyes set on Nora .. Like he wanted to just stop time to where it is ..

He sat next to his dad .. And rested his head on henry's lap .. Henry looked at Nora who was stunned to see Barry like this ...

Whoever he was in this timeline it was definitely not like this!

"Dont you have to go to work son" henry proposed

He got up and sat straight

"I do ! Iiii doo" he spoke .. He didn't knew where he had to go ...

"Yeah get on it " Nora stood up

"Yes" he said again now standing up not really sure if he was still a forensic scientist or someone eles

"That particle accelerator is not going to go online itself! " Henry joked changing the channel !

"Particle accelerator?!" He turned to his father

"That's what your working on these days right ?" Henry asked

"Its been 3 yearz honey " Nora said sitting besides him

"I work at star labs" he said a little quietly

"Did you quit???" Nora stood up in shock

"No no ! I didn't .. I should go ! " he said and ran outside

"Barry !! Your car keys !"

He has a car .. Okay that's different now !

He came back inside got the keys and started to drive to star labs .. Where he thought it was .. He roamed around central city for 15 mins ..the streets were different .. It wasn't as he remembered ! He finally got tired and turned to GPS and arrived at starlabs ...

"Okay Barry ! You work at starlabs. Your a science nerd .. That's good ! ..annnddd You work with Harrison wells who is actually eubard thawn who is here to kill you ! Not good! "
He parked his car .. rambling to himself!

He went inside the lab was the same !

He was walking impatiently to go see Cisco and caitlin when he bumped into someone ..

"Oucch" he looked up

"Jessie" he was shocked !

Jessie from earth 2 was here ! What is she doing back here Or is she her doppelganger ! All these thoughts were going around his mind..

"Hey Barry ! Your late ! Dad's gonna be mad " she laughed a little.. "All the best" she said and took off

And Barry stood there for a few minutes ! Then he shrugged of his head and went inside ...

Dr.Harrison wells was sitting in front of the computer and was typing some scientific equations ..

A women was sitting besides him .. A blond women .. I wasn't caitlin .. Caitlin has different hairs and this women looked like in her late thirtees !

"Is it correct harry ! ? "The women asked Dr.wells

" no Tess ! Its accurate !" He replied and she kissed him .. Okay so she was Tess Morgan!

Which definitely meant he is not eubard thawn !

"Mr.Allen would you mind coming in and start working " Dr .wells stood in front of him snaaping him out of his thoughts !

The Flash: Flashpoint Paradox (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now