Chapteer 16

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Barry drove to his house , thinking what's wrong with Cisco , thinking about his warning made him a little uncomfortable all together , Barry took out his cell phone and thought about checking on her once again , he dialed the number , and connect ted his earphones

The bell rang , "hellow" Nora spoke from the other sighed , Barry was relieved , hearing her and that she was echo 'stupid Cisco' he thought

"Mom!" Barry said

"Barry , honey are you okay ?" She asked concerned this was the second time his son called her in an hour

"Yes everything is well " Barry spoke but he wasn't sure about it , even though he knew that Cisco was probably just imagining stuff because there was no way he'd get vibes here in this timeline , but still there was this pinch that kept pricking him , he wanted to get home as fast as he could

"I just , I miss you .. I miss you and dad " he said easing his mothers worries

" awwww then come on home your father is going to be here any minute , we will enjoy this meal together ” she proposed

"Yeah I'm on my way " he said with a big smile

"Pick up some flowers on your way " she asked

"Yeah sure , what kind "

"Lilies " she said

"Okay "

"Great , come fas- aaaaahhhhh" the sweet words from Nora's mouth turned into a big loud scream, there was a banging sound , Barry pulled up the breaks , he didn't knew what was happening ..

"Mom.. Mom?? Mom what's happening " he shouted through the phone

"What are you ?" Nora's voice was  stuttering

"I bet you'll never know " a cold voice came through the phone ,  "what do youwant " "heyyyy , who is it " barry shouted out his throat
A smooth but wicked laugh came through the phone  someone hang up
Barry started the car , and drove faster than ever , his car was uncontrollable now crashing through stalls and water pumps , but he didn't care .. He pulled up to his house and ran inside

And what he saw left him traumatized , in the other room  his moth laid unconscious on the floor,a girl in the black  coat purple hair , stood there looking at his moms body like a antic peice in a museum

"No" he yelled and he caught the attention of the girl , who had fear what so ever

He banged on the door hard and , bashed many many times but the girl Stoll stood with her back on him

"Open the door " he yelled as he banged in it  tears forming in a stream in his eyes

She smirked and waved her finger and the bulbs started flickering and right then Barry knew she was blckout , controled electricity.

Barry continued bashing on the door , when he finally broke the lock and went inside

The girl changed her position , now. She stood in front of Barry just above Nora's body she opened her hands and faced them to Nora's body

"No" he whispered , when he saw her face .. It was her , it was her he could tell

"Don't do this plz " he said pleading

"I know you , you don't want to do this " he continued finding the person behind the powers

"You don't know a thing about me , Barry Allen "
She said

"Its all your fault "
She raised her voice

He missed being the flash , now , here right at this moment he felt if he was the flash his Mon wouldn't have to be in this danger, he wouldn't be so vulnerable in front of her ,

"Iris pls" he whispered again

"Don't call me that " iris snapped

It was not the iris he knew , she was cold an brutal, it felt like he never knew her at all .. In front of him stood a cold hearted metahuman ,

" its my mom " he said tears roll down his cheek pleading for her safety

Iris smirked , "don't worry Barry , the game has just began" she said and gathered her strength and push it through her hands and electrocuted Nora , right in front of Barry's eyes

"No no " he moved forward but iris shot him with a flickr of electricity

He fell back "mom" he yelled as he started to get up again but was knocked out, what was happening , he couldn't process it

A moment , a moment is all it took for Nora to die from the current ,

Iris smiled "Adios ! untill we meet again "and jumped out of the window

Barry ran towards her mother and took her in his arms ,

"No mom , breath ,plz , mom " he yelled her name again and again

He hugged her , pulled her close to his chest and every tear of his body flowed like a waterfall

"No no no " he tightly held her
He cried. And cried

Barry  Allen , who finally after so long got what he wanted , his mom and now she's gone

"Barry " henry Allen called from out side

"I saw your car , when did you- " he stopped when he saw Barry holding nora , the groceries in his hand dropped to the floor

He ran toward Barry "what happened to her " he asked

Checking Nora's pulse and heartbeat

"Noo , breath honey " he started CPR immediately but it wasn't of any use

"No no " he laid her head down at Nora's shoulder And tears flodded him

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