6-Explosion !

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Previously :

Barry fainted .. He woke up 3 days later , in a hospital bed ! He met Caitlin .. And se has no idea who he is!

6- Explosion

Barry was resting in his bed thinking about all the memories he has been retrieving .. In these 3 days e had remembered almost every detail of his "this" life ..
How he was a messed up teenager in junior year , how he got back up in science in senior year !

The time when he dated iris in junior year ! How badly it ended , not living with her had changed the things were between them

He rememberedvhis first date , first crush , the time he got paid for the first time .. His college , university everything ... And he was just living those memories of him and his mother and his father as a family ..

A few moments later ,
"Hey" said a beautiful lady with a beautiful smile
As she enters the room

"Dr.Snow ! Hey" he got up and sat ..

"Here are your discharge papers " she handed him a file of papers and a pen

"So there's nothing wrong with me " he asked , hoping for the answer to be something like last time e came out of a nine month coma

"No , your fine .. It is strange though , you were out for three days " she said as he filled the blanks in the papers ,

"You should come back for a routene check up , in 3 days"

She said advising as a docter but hoping as a girl !

"Yeah " he said turning to her looking in her eyes

"I will" he said again resuuring her

He smiled at him "okay ! I'll see you "

"When ?" He blurred out

She turned to him blushing a little
"What!" She chuckled

"When will I see you ?" He smiled , as he realized he was flirting with her .. He never did something like this with Caitlin before , but he felt high , he couldn't stop smiling

"Soon , Mr.Allen!" She said hiding her blush in her smile
"Barry! " he said took out his hand

"Caitlin" she smiled and shook it

The both laughed a little and Barry went home with his parents ..

He was sitting on a sofa in the living room when Ronnie came to his house , with another guy !
He was short for a guy his age had long brown hair ending at his shoulder , he was wearing glasses , dressed in a shirt and dress pants ...

"Hey barre" Ronnie called out to Barry

Barry turned around and stood up looking at the other guy

"Cisco" he said in a low voice

"You two know each other? " Ronnie asked

"I don't think so " Cisco was trying to remember

Barry waited for a moment to think about what to say

"Yeah! We met at a science convention long time ago !" He laughed nervously

"Are you talking about the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M convention ?" He asked

"Yeah " Barry said without even thinking about it and sighed

"That was a year ago " he said

"I'm good with faces" Barry saved himself

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