chapter 18

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It was getting darker minute by minute  , stars sparkling in the sky , clouds trying to hide the moon ...

Caitlin was trying to process all the things barry told her , she didnt know how to believe in anything , if someone had told her something like this 2 months ago , she wouldve sent them for a psych consult but listening to this from the one person she unintentionally trusts and believes in ,  its a feeling even she cannot describe but in the moment she knew she believed everyword he said , and all she knew was it wasnt his fault

She extended her hands and put them on his hands which were shaking , she held them tight and he looked up in her eyes , eyes that looked at him with generosity and love , and he realized that that was exactly how caitlin from the original timeline used to look at him ..

"its not your fault barry " she says

"How .. why " he says as a tear fell from his eye

" because , I know what its like to loose a parent , if someone came upto me and said I could save my dad , id take it in a heart beat even for one day " she moved closer to him

" dont blame yourself barry , you did what anyone would do " she embraced him in her arms and hugged him tight ,

"Thankyou " he whispered

"For what ?" She asked pulling away

"For looking at me exactly this way " he stroke her face and smiled

She leaned in and kissed him softly , he stayed still feeling her warmth and it was precious , something he never wanted to loose ..

"even after everything you had to say barry , i still dont think its your fault " she held his hand 

"if i had my speed i could've saved her " he said looking down 

" you did save her barry , you gave her a chance to spent 16 years with her family , you gave her 16 years of life .. you saved her " she smiled at him and may be her saying it this way maade him feel a little better about the face that he got to spend so much time with his mother , he had all these memoies in his head that he always dreamed about 

"i never thought of it that way "he said looking at her

L he looked at her , stroke her face as he remembers the time when they  first met and the kind of friendship they had , team flash .the thought of team flash hit him and a confused expression crossed his face 

caitlin who was calmly looking at him noticed the sudden change 

"what" she asked 

"i was just thinking about cisco " he said scratching his hair

"what about him ?" she asked now concern 

"he told me i needed to get to my mom, that she was in danger " he said with puzzuled tone

"he told you ? how did he knew?" she was now as puzzeled as him 

"exactly , i need to go talk to him " he said as he stood up 

"ill come ttoo" she said going inside grabbing two coats , she handed him his coat and got in the car , barry drove to star labs 

jessie sat besides her mother as always , wells was working on something in his computer , cisco was nowhere to be seen

"hey barry , sorry i couldnt come " jessie said hugging him 

"its okay jess , you staying here is more important "he said hugging her back 

"have you guyz seen cisco, is he here  ?" he asked 

"he is in the bunker , he was working on some glasses "wells said 

"okay "barry turned to walk away 

"allen" wells called out  barry turned 

"were here for you " he said in a reassuring tone  

"thanks " he smailed softly and walked to the bunker followeed by caitlin 

"cisco .. cisco " the room was dark they couldn see anything untill a beam of blue light appeared from righ across them 

"i knew youd come " cisco said turning the lights on 

"cisco how did you -" he started but was cut off

"knew your mother needed you " cisco continued 

barry nodded 

"i wasnt a scientist when i met you barry "

"what ? "

"i was a nobody with a dumbass job at mercury labs , i was just a supplier " he sat down and showed barry and caitlin the seats , they all sat down and he continued

"i dont understand , you made the wheather thingy " caitlin said 

"after the particule accelerated exploded , i started having these dreams , these dreams were so vivid , i thought i was actually in them .. i saw both of you , and ronnie , wells , jessie , i didnt see her mom ever but those two yeah ! and so i started searching for you guys , and then i met ronnie .. when i shook his hand , i got a feeling like i was in another dimension you know , like vissions or-"

"vibes" barry finished 

"yeah that , but they were just peices untill i met you and then the whole story came together " 

"so your saying you know about "

"you and time traveling yes , i do" cisco said 

"why didnt you say anything "barry asked him

"i dont know , i didnt know what i was supposed to say "

cisco and barry were geting each other but caitlin was a cute little muffin between them 

"guyz , i may be a little confused ?" she raised her hand 

"cicso is a metahuman" barry blured out 

"ohkaaay , what kind of powers does he has " she asked 

"he has different abilities , one of them is that he is the only one to remember his real self in the original time line besides me " barry explained 

"but i dont get it you told me , it all started with my mom ! what was that about ? what started with her?" barry asked 

"i dont know , i dont have hold of my powers , what i see , why i see , even i dont know it yet .. when i saw your mom , i got this feeling like " he paused and sighed 

"what "

"like its only the beginning " 

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