4-Out And Alive!

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Previously n
Barry Allen found out his dad is in the hospital he ran there ... And his momeries of this alternate life started coming onto him ... He remembered his dad is sick and dying ... Struggling with the memories overloading he faints .


4-Out And Alive

It was 9:40 am .. Barry was still unconscious and laid on a bed in the general ward ... Beside him sat his mom renting her dad on his hand holding it .. She was fast asleep and so was henry Allen who sat on the other side of the bed on a chair with his head laid back !

Nora felt a bit of movement as she woke up she saw barry's fingers moving and Barry winced as she looked at him ... She stroked his head

"Barry" she whispered hoping that her son is awake finally

"Mom" Barry managed to speak even though his eyes weren't open completely yet ...

"Oh Barry ! My beautiful boy !" She exclaimed and leand down to kiss Barry's for head

Barry opened his eyes and smiled at her mother .. Looked at her fondly

"Where am I" he started to get up but his mother interrupted and pushed the bell on his bed side

"In the hospital , don't you remember honey" Nora said stroking his head

As he remembers , he also remembers he was here to see his dad

"Yeah , yes .. Dad .. Where is he?" He gets panicked

"He's right here, he's alright relax" his mother assured her

"No he's not , mom " he said as a year roll down his cheek

"He'll be okay barry" she hugged him ..

"Mrs.Allen " a soft voice of a women came from behind Nora ..

The docter with light brown hair , dressed in her blue loose shirt and trousers with a lab coat on her and a stethoscope in her hand ..

Nora turned around in response to her and let her in to see Barry, who had just finished of wiping his tears , he looks at the docter who came to him smiling which seemed like the brightest smile he has ever seen ..

"Caitlin" he stares right in her eyes as he calls her name

She hears him say her name and she looks back at him and he is staring right at her in her eyes , no one has ever done that

"I'm sorry , do you know me?" She asks Barry with a polite smile

Barry thinks for a moment , it was the first time after waking up in this timeline that he has scene someone who was so close to him and alive when he left the other timeline!

"Hmm No , not really" he says and looks down to save himself of embarrassment of explaining something like another life and time travel

Dr.Caitlin snow started checking Barry's vitals she checked his pulse , his blood pressure , his tempreture and all through these procedures Barry was looking at her , at her movements and at her eyes , and at last she took a little torch and put it in front of his eyes , as she did .. He chuckled

"What happened ?" She asked him

"Amm nothing , I just remember something , someone actually " he said and smiled looking at her

She was the same Caitlin , kind , caring , and beautiful he thought to himself as he kept smiling at her like a goof

She smiled back and started writing his chart , Barry was still looking at her when he noticed his charts were rather long ..

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