chapter 14

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Barry spent time with his parents , he pushed Caitlin away unwantingly .. His house encountered a blackout and he saw someone running out !


"Hey guys" Barry greeted everyone as he entered star labs

"Morning Allen " wells said

Walking towards the medical bay , Barry followed him , in the medical bay stood Caitlin besides well's wife who was still unconscious , Jessie was holding her hand and resting her head besides her mother !

Caitlin looked at Barry  as he walked in and quickly turned away , Barry noticed her reaction and sighed

"How is she doing ?" He asked

"Same., no improvement " Jessie said

"I did find something odd in her blood work today " Caitlin said taking her tablet and opening a file in it , wells and Barry moved closer to the tab to have a look

"You see that , that are her Red Blood Cells ,they usually die in 120 days after generation and then regenerate , but these cells  they are regenerating way too faster

" what does that mean " Jessie stood up

"I don't know yet , but I'm looking into it " Caitlin said

But Barry knew what it meant , regeneration of cells , coding multiple times , needing extra charge for the heart to start , all of this had happened when he was hit by the particle accelerator.. But it took 9 months for him to wake up , and it had only been weeks for Tess , he was confused , but may be he was in denial , he missed being the flash

"Earth to Barry" Ronnie called

"Yeah hey! "Barry said

Looking at Ronnie reminded him of last night's chat with Caitlin and he turned to look at her , who was busy in analyzing some data on her computer , he watched her closely as she tucked her hair behind her ears he smiled

" you like her don't you " Ronnie punched his shoulder

"What , who , what " Barry stuttered

"Hahahaha , you like her , just say it " Ronnie tease 

"No no , I , its not like that " he smile nervously

"Do you like her ?" Barry asked Ronnie hoping to hear no but knowing that it would be a yes

"Naah she's not my type " Ronnie said Barry's eyes brighten "plus dude , you met her first " he continued and turned around

"Yo!! Cisco wassuipp??"  He shouted

Barry felt a rush of relief but it was only Ronnie , he didn't knew. How Caitlin felt !

"I'm gonna go to the hospital , I've been paged " Caitlin said grabbing her bag

"I'll be back in few hours to check on these results" she pointed to the computer

"I'll drop you " Barry offered

She turned to him angrily "I'll take a cab" she jerked off and walked away

"Ohhhh someone is mad " Ronnie said

"What did you do ?" Cisco said

"A very stupid thing " he replied an went after her

"Caitlin ,Caitlin "he called out to her she herd him but didn't stop until she stood at the corner of a street hailing for a cab

Barry reached her and breathed heavily

" you are a very slow person , Barry Allen " Caitlin laughed seeing him out of his breath

"I'm out of practice " he made a statement

"Whatever, I'm not talking to you, go away "  Caitlin turned to face the opposite direction

"What did I do?" Barry asked , even though he knew what would be the answer

Caitlin turned to him and hit him in his chest with her bag
"Oww" he said
"Unbelievable " she said

"Caitlin " he said taking a breath

"If you coulnt come for me yesterday , you could've said that " Caitlin complained

"I did ! I said that " Barry scratched his head

"Yes and you could've just told me you were busy and I wouldve understand , but you -" she turned away again

He grabbed grabbed arm and turn her to face him

"But I what ?" He asked

"You , you pushed me to Ronnie " she said angrily

Barry looked down he didn't know what to say

"If you didn't want me , if you were so bothered by me , you could've said that instead of setting me up with somebody eles " she tucked her hair behind her ears as wind blew it on her face

"Caitlin.  I -" Barry srmtarted was cutt of

" Barry allen , I like you.  But I'm not the kind of girl who will stalk the guy until he calls for a restraining order , I'm not that desperate , I don't take the first step ever , but i did with you and you " she stopped he just stared at her in amusement

"Forget it " she said and turned away , Barry grabbed her arm turned her around an leaned in andpressed his lips onto hers ,  as he breathed into her , her eyes closed she was surprised and couldn't believe , Barry moved his hand on her waist and moved his lips around hers she gave in to the kiss , grabbing him by his jacket she pushed herself into him , as their lips overlapsed each other , it was the kiss of their lives , pure and perfect , moments passed away but none of them was ready to break the most perfect kiss they have ever experienced , for a moment they felt like they had never been kissed before , Like the world stopped , time froze , and all their wishes had been answered .. Unwantedly and unwillingly slowly they broke apart   with his hand still on her waist and her hands still clutching the collar if his jacket , their lips broke apart but their faces still an  inch away ,  their nose touching , their breaths heavy , they smile looking into each others eyes

Her phone rings , she slowly reached to her phone

"Yeah " she said smiling at Barry who was blushing more than her

"I'll be there " she said

"I have to go " she whispers
." yeah " he noded

She hailed a cab and got in ...

Barry sighed and a bright smile covered his Face !

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