Chapter 29 - The Final Blow (Part 1)

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weak , and sore were the only two things Barry Allen felt as he opened his eyes , he found himself somewhere dark , his vision was blur from the fight earlier , his head trying to focus trying to find out where he was , he gained full consciousness only to witness he was trapped in a cell, he stood up and punched the bars a shot of electricity pameteated his body , he tried to phase out of the bars but it was of no use .. he felt weaker as he tried to take the electricity in ..

"Thawn" he yelled anger boiling up his blood to 180 degrees 

"where are you ?" he yelled again , thoughts running in his mind .. he was gonna go see his father , his father needed him and he was trapped here , he wanted to get out and go see his dad ..

"THAWN" he yelled again hitting the bars with all the strength in him , the shot of electricity pushed him back and he landed on the wall hitting his back

"ohhh , calm down tiger " a manly voice called from a far, it wasn't thawn , oh Barry would recognize thawn's voice anywhere in any timeline .  He tried to ficus on the man .. he could make out a silhouette walking towards him "who are you ?" he calls , "let me go plz" he tried to get through to the man , 

"why would i do that " the man came to light and it couldnt be any worse than this , barry's heart stopped for a moment .. seeing the man who had always helped him through his life standing in front of him trapping him ..

"joe" he whispered to himself , joe gave a crooked smile , enjoying barry's helplessness, Barry Allen in this timeline was nothing to him , his eyes looked at him like he was looking at a helpless stranger .

"plz let me go " he said coming close to the bars but not touching them ..

Joe laughed and sat down on a chair in front "keep begging , Flash " he smirked ..

"i know you joe , your not this person plz ,just let me out "he pleaded , his voice breaking trying not to cry with tears in his eyes ..

"hellow Barry " thawn came with gush of wind , iris flew in besides him giving a smirked to barry , remembering the time she killed his mother ..  

Barry punched the bars looking at him , it didnt matter if the electricity killed him ,the sight of thawn was heart wrecking for him , he couldnt control his anger and frustation he had towards him

"Barry there is no need to be mad" he sneered , turning the lights onn so barry could see exactly where he was , it seemed like it was an abandoned building , some kind of factory ..

 "i swear to god i " he punched the bars again , his fist turning blue with the continues shots of current , but none of this  was important to him anymore , all he could think about was getting to see his father ..

"stay barry " thawn said as if ordering a dog to sit , barry's eyes were red , anger spread on his face

"you dont need to get out to know whats going on outside " he walked close to the cell "ill tell you everything from right here " he continued giving a  smirk

"you friend cisco got into an accident just about now , i just made sure it happened nicely " he says as if informing barry of a good news 

" what?" was all Barry could say , how could it be true , 'he was there when he left they were gonna get to the hospital , caitlin and cisco , did both of them - no ' he thaught, his blood pressure rising

, "its a matter of time before he dies "thawn grin at barry who was hurt and sad and angry all at the same time , the emotions were heightened

"its not possible " barry said realizing that this isnt the pattern , cisco was alive when he left the timeline .. how could he be dying next

"why not barry ?" he asked making a questioned face pretending like he cannot understand what barry just said ...

"ohh is that because of the pattern " thaawn answered his own question , laughed

" you see barry,  the last death you witnessed in your time has already happened  , now" he stopped getting vloser to the bars and looking into his eyes "  chaos will begin " he  continued raising his eyebrows , barry was unable to understand what he meant and what was he trying to say , but the word chaos was enought to scare him ..

"you seem confused Flash , oh did i forget to tell you the most important news of today " he gasped at the thought , showing as if he really cared 

"your dad died" he delivered the news like he was telling him about the weather  , Barry took a step back at his Back hitting the wall behind him he leaned his head on the wall tears escaping his eyes without his perception ,  his whole world slipped from his hands , all the things he did , turning back time to escape pain , he experienced it again the same pain in the worst possible way ...

"this wasn't even the worst part Flash " he sneered

"what more do you want to take from me " Barry yelled in agony in pain , pain like he had never witnessed before ... what more could he possibly want from him , what was left to be taken away ..

"remember how you saw your mom dying , ohh it was soo much fun , i wish you could see your dad die too " thawn's face expressions changed from calm to anger , the anger that he had build up against barry for decades , barry could not respond to thawn , the pain thawn wanted him to go through , he had already been through that when zoom killed his dad infront of his eyes , but what was the point of even fighting this man , the man that wanted to ruin his life has done it what more can he do to make him miserable 

"perhaps" thawn says smiling to himself "there could be another way " he said walking backwords .. taking few steps back he stand behind joe , and smiles , viberating his hand he quietly pulls it up for only barry and iris to see what he was doing , barry stood allert , he couldnt let this happen to him to joe "Nooooo" he screamed but befor he could do anything joe fell down on his knees , it was too quick for iris to realize what had happened to her father but as she did she ran back to him and catched him off the ground 

"dad , nooo , nooo daddd " she cries hysterically hugging her dad feeling his warmth for the last time 

"let me think now , who's left on your love list " he pouted putting a finger to his chin " ohh i know the Hot Docter " he said and turned to him with a smile as evil as anything in the world 

" noo " he ran to him but stopped by the bars "dont you dare go near her " he said his eyes red , like he was about to burst .. "ohh im just gonna go check up on her , see how she is doing " he said as he ran off 

"noo, plzxzz  she's the only one I've got , I cant loose her " he yelled as he dropped on his need , burrying his fave in his hands

Iris looked at him , not knowing what she did to him was awefull , the man still wanted to save her father

She stood up and held the bars in her hands holding then tightly she absorbed all the electricity coming out from the circuit , barry felt lights flickering , he looked up at iris ..

"im sorry , i know you cant forgive me but just get that man for what he had done to my father and make him pay " she said opening the locks to the cell and he rushed out imidiately before she could change her mind

"thanks" he said she nodded with tears in her eyes , as to what she had done , she killed this boy's mom in front of his eyes now karma was paying her a visit .. 

She got down to her knees and hugged her dad one more time .. never wanting to let go ..

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