chapter 23

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"No I cant , I cant let that happen " barry scratched the back of his head "not again , not again, not because of me " he continued

"Barry if its a chain reaction you cant stop it , you dont even have your speed " cisco tries to comfort him

"Then ill find a way to get it back ," he yells in anger , building up in his eyes was fear and guilt in harmony

Caitlin hears Barry's voice in the cortex , jessie and ronnie both stand up

" ill check up on them " ronnie moved to go but caitlin stopped him , " no you stay ill go see whats wrong "

She came to barry and cisco , and saw , barry pacing up and down and cisco looking at him in disbelieve

"Its im-po-ss-ib-le " he says again , a little louder so that barry would listen to him

"We've done it before cisco , we can do it again " barry pleeded to him ,

"Do what ?" She asked , walking towards barry who looked like he is about to explode into million pieces ... she couldnt stand looking at him like that

"Barry " she said holding him by his shoulders ... cupping his face in her hands she calmed him down, he held her hand , turn his head for his lips to touch her hand , he kissed the palm of her hand ..

Caitlin gave him a nod , assuring him that everything will be okay ..

"Barry wants to regenerate the particule accelerator explosion " cisco answered caitlin

"What ? " she turned in disbeliefe

"Is that true ?" She turned to barry , hoping for a no as an answer

He could see in her eyes , what she wanted to hear , but he couldnt say it , it was absolute necessity to do it again ..

He looked down , letting cait know that cisco was indeed telling the truth

"Are you crazy , " she whispered , he raised his hand to maybe touch her face but she took a step back from him ..

"Cait.." he sighed , it terrified him , she was his. Ground , and even thE thought of loosing her terrified him ..

"Barry, people died that day , others are living hell of a life , and you wanna do that explosion again " she argued walking away from him , she turned to him and looked for answers in his eyes

"People ARE dying caitlin , and if I dont do this its gonna happen faster " he tried to explain

"What ?" She asked , confused with what he hust said

"He's right " cisco interrupted , taking Barry's side

"I dont understand " she confusingly asked again ,

Barry and cisco looked at each other , and then explained everything to her

"And if not stopped , next will be ronnie " ,barry said in a low regretting voice

"Oh my God" caitlin tried to digest it all , word by word

"I dont know about you now , bit you before would do anything to save ronnie " ,cisco joked to lighten the mood ,

Barry opened his mouth when cisco blurred his words out ,

"What? What does that mean ?" caitlin asked looking at both of them

Barry looked at cisco,  gave him an 'im gonna kill YOU' stare .. "ohhh I get it ahemm , im gonaa go look for the notes and stuff about the accelerator " cisco ran out with his awkward face burried in his hands

"What was that about ?" She asked again

"I .." he scratched the back of his head like he does when he is nervous or doesnt exactly know what to say

"I never told you much about yourself in the original timeline " he said , unwillingly , he didnt wanted to tell her about ronnie ,the thought of both of them together was like druving knives through his heart

"Okaaayy" she waited for him to continue

"You and ronnie " he stopped , closed his eyes looked down to gather up his courage

"Me and ronnie ? " she asked

"Okay , " he took A deep vreath and looked up

"When I met you , you were engaged to ronnie , and few months after that , you two got married , a few days later , he " barry sighed .. paused for a second "he died "

"Died " she repeated

"Its not right for me to say he died , he sacrificed himself to save the entire city , he died a hero " he corrected himself , being true to her was soothing 

She listened to barry's words and found fear in his tone .. "barry what are you scared about ?" She asked

"I dont wanna loose you " he said looking at her

"I know that its selfish and may be wrong , and I dont know how and when it happened but the thought of you with anyone eles just kills me " he said turning away from her

"Barry " she whispered and turned him around

"you wont loose me " she smiled

"Atleast Not in this timeline" she laughed

He chuckled , and kissed her siftly "cait , I L-" he got cutt off when cisco came running down

"You guyz I found something incredible " he said in excitement

Barry awkwardly moved away from cait , did he just do that did he just almost said the L word to caitlin ,he didnt know what got over him , but he was blushing

"Lets go " ,caitlin walked forward , mad at cisco for interrupting this moment .. her moment

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