chapter 20

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An hour later , everyody was tensed up about cisco .. he wasnt awake yet .

"How is he ?" Ronnie aked

Stable for now " caitlin sighed answering him

"He looked terrified, do you think its something about a meta humn ?" Jessie asked

"It could be , we cant say " barry replied

In a second of silence , something started beeping , caitlin turned to look back., the brain activity on cisco's monitor jumped up and she ran towards him she was trying to figure out what was happening when suddenly in a blink if an eye cisco jumped up and sat straigh breathing heavily

"Oh my God" caitlin steped back

"Cisco , calm down " barry held him and yelled

Cisco breathed heavily , ,trying to calm down

He finally catch his breath his brain activity finally went normal

"Are you okay ?" Caitlin asked coming closer

"Yeahg" he panickingly said and unhooked alk the tubes from his body , and grabbed barry's and Caitlin's hand

"Come with me" he dragged them to the basement

"Cisco you need rest " jessie called out

"Im fine " he shouted back as the exit the main center

They enter the basement

"Cisco whts wrong ? " barry asked

"Did you vibe again ?" Caitlin questioned

Cisco noded

"You said 'its happening' before you faiinted ?" Barry asked "whats hapening ?" He continued

"Something bad , very bad , alot of people are going to die barry " cisco said terrified

"What?" Caitlin astonishingly cried

"What are you talking about ?"

"I can feel it , I can still feel it , someone is in trouble , theres a pattern ! I dont know what it is yet , but I am sure as hell theres a  pattern " he punched the table hard like he was trying to figure out somthing

"Cisco , who is it ? Who is it ?"
Barry tried to catch his attention

But cisco couldnt tell , he knew that he could tell him , that he knows the answer vut he couldnt make out the words like his perception had grpwn weak ..

Barry held him and turned him to face him and yelled "who is it ?"

Cisco's eyes went red again and it almost felt like he couldnt breath , he was catatonic for a moment ,when suddenly he came out of it ,

"Wells " he said right before he fainted again

"Cisco" caitlin ran to him and checked his p ulse

"He is okay " she sighed

"I gotta get to wells " barry said

Caitlin nodded

Barry stoo up and twards the door

"Barry" caiitlin called  , he turned to her "be carefull " she whispered

He nodded and went out

"Wells Dr. wells " barry called out , entering his house , barry was terrified because the doOr was open ,

Everything was normal in the living room but no sign of wells , he enteredd In his bed room.and saw glasses shattered , he ran towards the man lying on the floor , bleeding ,

He turned the man around it was wells "oh my god "

He was stabbed , his pulse was weak but he was alive , barry picked him up and ran him to the hospital

"He needs blood " the docter called out to the nurse and she ran to get the blood , barry didnt know how to tell every. Oone , he was too late again , he hated it , he couldnt do anything ...

He called caitlin's phone , it rang but no one picked it up ,he called again , same thing happened he got worried so he decided to go back

He got to star labs

He ran to the main canter , there she was , caitlin was sitting on the floor , blank ... "caitlin , what happened ?" He asked stroking her face , when he looked around and saw a flat line on the computer in the medical bay , and saw ronnie hugging jjessie controlling her as she hysterically cried over her mother ...

Everything went blaank for a moment , soo auite that he could see everything but couldnt hear anythig ,

He didnt know what to do , there was soo much pain in the room , and wells's  blood on his hands

He didnt know what to do

He didnt know what to do.....

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