chapter 24

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"I was going through some  of the notes dr.wells made for the particule accelerator and found this .." cisco hand a bunch of papers to caitlin.and barry..

Forgetting that caitlin was not a biomedical engineer  cisco assumed that she would understand but like most medical students it was all just words for her ...

She passes the papers to barry , barry looks at them .. and it hit him , what cisco was probably thinking

.. he smiled and looked at cisco "it could work right ?" Barry asked just to be confirmed

Cisco's grin faded " it could work barry but , you could get seriously hurt " he warns him

Just when barry was about to say something caitlin jumped in the conversation
"What do you mean ,? What is this ?" She asks now concern ..

"It is the main formula of the particule accelerator , we can create it on a small scale " he said ,more nervous than excited

"Im expecting , theres a catch " she crossed her arms looking at both of them

"It requires barry to get hit by lightning , literally " cisco answers her ..

"Whaawt ?" She freaked out , barry tried to speak but she wouldnt k et him

" no way in hell , " she walks away to the corridor

"You get everything ready , I'll talk to her " barry said to cisco

"You sure barry ?" Cisco asks again to confirm the idea

Barry nods and goes behind caitlin ,

"Wait , cait " he yells , in the middly of the corridor just ouside the elevator

"Barry you can not expect me to be okay with that ? Do you ?" She yells at him

"Cait , I have to do this " he slowly says moving towards her

"Why you barry ? " she lowers her voice and looks down ..

"Because its my doing , and its me who has to stop it and without my speed im nothing ,and  I cant do it without you ,plz" he looks diwn at the ground

"With or without your speed , your still you barry " she says with complete innocence , he shivers at those words , it was her indeed , for a minute he went back in time and relived that moment again

He remembers the step that caitlin took ,when cisco interrupted them .. he couldnt imagine what would've happened if never came ...

He smiled to himself , he took a step towards her , lifts up her chin gazing into her eyes "someone once told me , that I was struck by lightning for a reason , that I was chosen  she believes it and I should believe that too " she looked at him , not knowing who he was talking about "I believe it now , do you still believe it " her eyes sparkled at the word 'still ', was he talking about her ..

" I cant see you get hurt " she says tearing up

"I wont " he says kissing her gently

"I promise "he says as he embraces her in his arms ..

A week later, they kept a close eye in ronnie , cisco finally figures it out and he positions a chair in the middle of the rooftop , alot of wires and chemicle around it ... to the chair was a rod attached , which seemed to direct lightning   

"You ready " he asks barry

Barry nods , he looks at a scared and worried catitlin .. he flashes her a smile , she smiles back , hiding how freaked out she was but he knew.

Barry sat on the chair holding on to it tight ... cisco turns the liver of what looked like the beam of electricity passing through wires and hits him badly , "poof" an explosion is heard... ,  barry screams in agony as the electricity burns everybit of his body "barryyytyy" caitlin rans to him

Cisco turns off the liver , barry was covered in 3°Degree burns all over his face and body

"It didnt work "

"Oh my God , barry wake up , barry " caitlin crying hysterically

"Help cisco " she cried out to cisco who was shock but immediately came back to his senses and helps barry , both of them , carried barry and took him to the medical bay  ..

Caitlin put the machines onto him stat she got the banfages and ointments for burn frim the cabinets , not sure what she wanted to do , barry was still unconsious , she couldnt hold herself together ..

But then something weird happened , the burn marks on his thumb evaporated , like they never existed ... he was still unconsious but he started healing , could that be true , does that mean it worked ...????

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