chapter 22

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Her mother died , Mrs.Wells died , harrison wells died , who was next now ? What was the connection .. cisco could feel it but couldnt pissible put a finger on it ..

A week later , barry and caitlin were sitting in a bar with cisco jessie and ronnie when they suddenly looked at the news ..

News caster :
The captain of the  ccpd Detective Eddie Thawn Passed Away this morning with an abbrasive heart attack , Late Detective Eddie Thawn Had No reported  Heart condition , docters are still investigating what triggered his heart attack .. central city police department has organized a candle light walk in respect for the captain Eddie Thawn ..

Barry's face went blank , he couldnt decide how to feel , caitlin was sitting with him , trying to figure iut the reason he is upset , why , why would he be so bumped up anput a man he never knew , she didnt know who eddie was , the original timeline was bits and peices to her ,

"Whats happening" barry said burrying his face in his hands

"Barry ,can I talk to you , in private ?" Cisco asked , barry knew cisco had a theory , and right now he was open to anything .. he couldnt take any more of deaths ..

He nodded and went behind cisco ..

"Im guessing ypu have a theory ??" Barry asked

"Dont you get it yet? " cisco asked back

"Get what ?? The pattern , if I had I wouldve done anything to stop it "
Barry exhaustively replied

"Barry , I think all of it , its connected to the original timeline " cisco says pruposing his theory

"The only two people who remember their lives from both timelines are you and I " cisco stated

"Yeah , " barry agreed but he was confused at where cusco was getting

"Correct me if im wrong , cuz I might not remember the other timeline as best as you " cisco asked

"Okay " he listened

"In this original timeline , it all started with the death of ypur mother , right " cisco stopped waiting for approval from barry , barry nodded painfully hearing about his mother always made him sad to another level  , 

"And then we found out eobard thawn killed tess morgan and harrison wells in a car accident and became wells " he added ,

Things started to make sense to barry now

"After everything that happened with the reverse flash , eddie killed himself to protect ecerybody " cisco continued

Realization dawned upon barry , he could now see the connection .. the pattern

"Its the sequence , its exactly the same " barry said in a tone as if he was trying to believe himself ..

"You messed with the timeline , starting with saving ypur mother , what if death of your mom in this timeline started a chain reaction " cisco pruposed

"And the deaths have been occurring one after the other " barry realuzed what was happening

"Of its true barry " cisco said , not wanting to say the next sentence

"You know whoose next " cisco did not say it like a question

"Ronnie " barry said  ..

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