8- Iris!

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Barry explained his situation to Dr.wells and he somewhat believed him ... Now Barry has gone to get Caitlin

Will he be able to make her believe

8- Iris !

Barry was driving to the hospital , when he suudenly felt his stomach telling him to eat something

He realized he has not actually eaten anything at all since he left the hospital

He took a right turn and entered a place called The jitters Grill .. It was gutters but it wasn't a coffie shop anymore it was a restaurant , it was classy , had a bar at one side , stage at the other side playing soft music and dance floor where couples were dancing to the slow beat

He went to the side bar and ordered some food and sat down waiting for his order ,

"Barry ?" A voice familiar crashed his ears and he felt gush of happiness going through him

He turned around and there stood iris

"Iris" he said with his big cheesy grinn for a sec as the smile faded when he scanned iris from head to toe

She was dressed in a short skirt with black stockings and a tank top with her hairs perfectly curled

"You're stairing at me " iris snapped

"What, no" Barry said as his head started throbbing it was like one of the times he used to get flashbacks of his new memories but there were no memories to retrieve now , he had actually remembered everything in the three days time ..

"Yeah , what are you doing here " she laughed

"Getting food " he answered with a smile

"Okay well , its nice to see you after all these years ,I didn't thought I would after how it ended , I'm really sorry " she said

"Oh no , I'm past that its all good " he laughed nervously
And remembered something

"How could you do this " 17 year old Barry shouted

"I wont apologize , if that what you wanna hear" Iris chewed onto her bubble gum

"Unbelievable , just unbelievable " he yelled again

"What " she yelled

"You , my supposedly girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend , do you still not see why I'm pissed "

"I have needs Barry , if your not going to satisfy them , I'll find somebody who will" she replied

"My GoD !! You still think its okay" he couldn't believe she was that okay with it

"We were never exclusive anyway " she shrugged

"I loved you iris" he said taking a deep breath

"Barry" she felt sorry this time

"Its over, we're done "he said and walked away

*end of flashback*

" thanks , cuz I was just so young and it wasnt a big deal then " she tried explaining herself

He smiled "I know "

"Barry Allen" the server called his name and gave him his food

"I'll get going then " he said

"Yeah" she said as she extended her hand for barry to shake

Barry grinned and shook it , as he touched her hand she felt a sudden electricity , not the electricity that you feel when you touch the person you love , it was like the electricity you feel when you've touched a scratched electric wire with continuous flowing current

He thought for a moment if something was wrong but he was late so he let go of the thought ...

He walked towards the car and eat sitting in it , he thought about iris for a while , how changed is she in this world , not just her clothes her hair , but everything , the vibe she gave him today was much much different from what it used to be

Why is she so different ? Barry thought to himself , wells Ronnie Cisco even Jessie seems like herself , changed in a lot of things but not in who they are inside and Caitlin , the one person he thinks that's exactly the way she used to be , kind and gentle like ray of sunshine

He was smiling as he thought of Caitlin , he realized what he was doing and he stopped for a second , he thought to himself , why was he thinking about caitlin , ever since he met her all he has been focused on is Caitlin's smile , he was confused but confused was just underrated when it came to Barry's life ..

He started his car and drives towards the hospital

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