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"No, no. It's okay," I said to the woman with a black dress. Their child just threw up in the bowl hall. "I will clean it up."

I walked back to my desk to grab a swab and a bucket. I didn't liked cleaning someone else vomit up. I think no one likes that but it was my job. I worked at the bowl hall. Mostly I had to do everything because my colleague, Kate, never did anything. She was only their to check me. I hated her. She was the sister of my boss and that's why he didn't fired her.

"Thank you," the woman said when I was done. "We will go now. I think my daughter is sick."

I nodded. "Get well soon," I smiled while I fixed my shirt.

"Naomi!" Kate yelled. "What are u doing?"

I sighed and walked back to the desk. "Cleaning vomit," I answered while I sat down at one of the chairs behind the desk.

"Maybe you should make some snacks for that people," she said. "They ordered this."

Kate gave me a paper with their order. I walked to the bar and made the snacks.

"Shit," I murmured when I burned my finger.

I walked to the crane and cooled my hand. It hurted as hell but I couldn't ask Kate for help. I needed this job because I needed the money. I had to pay my apartment.

"What the hell are you doing?!" It was Kate.

"Uhh.. Nothing," I said while my head turned red. Everyone in the bowl hall was looking at us.

I grabbed the snacks and walked to the people who ordered them. It were children. They were at most eleven years old. I thought it was a birthday party.

"Thank you," an older woman said. She was probably the mother of the birthday boy or girl.

"No problem," I smiled while I gave her the bowl.

I walked back to Kate.

"I don't want to see that again," she threatened.

"It will not happen again," I said.

I was sure it would happen again. Sometimes I was a little bit clumsy. I couldn't help it.

"You can sweep the floor?" Kate said. I knew it wasn't a question.

"Okay," I murmured while I grabbed a broom.

I started to sweep the floor while I listened to the music which was playing. Mostly the radio was on.Once in a while from Timeflies was playing. I loved the song because it always made me happy.

When I was finally done with the floor I sat down at my stool. I heard my name again. What did Kate wanted from me now?

"Can you help this people?" She asked me.

I sighed and walked to the desk.

"Good evening," I said with the fakest smile ever.

"Hello," a young men, probably around my age, said. He didn't look ugly. No, he was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was shorter than his friends.

"How can I help you?" I asked him. I said this almost hundred times everyday.

"We want to go bowling," he said. "We're with five people."

I typed it in on the cash desk. "That's €20,-, please."

He gave me the money.

"You can change your shoes there," I smiled.

He smiled back and walked again.

"Naomi! Don't flirt with our customers," Kate said.

I sighed and sat down at my chair. The men kept draw my attention. He wasn't really good at bowling but I didn't care. I wasn't good at bowling either.

"Here's an order," Kate said after a while. "It's for that boys." She pointed at the group with the young men. I wanted to know his name.

I grabbed the receipt and walked to the bar to make the snacks. After that I grabbed four bottles of beer, because they ordered them, and two glasses of water. I didn't know why they asked for six drinks because they were with five people. I was happy I didn't burn my hand this time. It still hurted.

When everything was ready I walked to the boys and putted down the bowl on the little table.

"Thank you," one of the boys smiled.

"That water is mine," the boy, which paid earlier, said. "You can take the other. You seem tired."

"Thank you so much," I said. "But I can't take it."

He frowned. "Why you can't take it?"

"We can't accept gifts," I said. "I'm sorry."

I felt sorry for the boy. He wanted to do something nice for me but I couldn't take it.

"Maybe she wouldn't see it. And besides that it's just water," I said, more to myself than to the boys, when I saw his disappointed face.

I grabbed the glass of water and took a sip. I hoped Kate wouldn't see me because then I would be fired. I didn't want that.

"So," the boy said. "Your name is Naomi."

I nodded. "And your name is?" I asked him.

"I'm Antoine," he said while he shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Antoine."

"It's a honour for me too," he winked.

I putted down my empty glass on the table and stood up.

"Why don't you stay for a while?" Antoine asked.

"I can't," I said. Of course I wanted too. "I've to work."

He nodded and I walked away. The boys continued their game and I continued doing my job. I finished a few orders and cleaned the bowl hall. After two hours Antoine and his friends left.

"Bye Naomi," he said to me.

"Goodbye Antoine," I answered while I received a angry look from Kate.

I was sure I would never see him again.

There was no one at the bowl hall so I continued my cleaning while I sang with the radio. When I was done Kate said I could go home. It was already eleven o'clock so I was happy I could go.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now