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Thank you for all the votes, comments and reads. I love you guys so much! Here's another chapter. I hope u like it!


"Shit!" I murmured.

My favourite vase felt on the ground. It broke down.

"What's wrong?" Antoine yelled.

I sat down on the ground and tried to clean the mess I just made. I grabbed some shards. One of them cut my hand.

"Naomi!" It was Antoine again. "What's wrong?"

Antoine walked into the living room and saw I was struggling with the vase.

"I'll get a dustpan and brush," Antoine said while he walked back to the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen too and help my hand under the crane. I hated it that I always was too clumsy.

"Everything okay?" Antoine asked while he hand rested on my shoulder.

"I think so," I said.

Antoine walked back to the living room to clean my mess. I was happy he was here. Not because he could clean my mess but just because I wasn't alone anymore. I began to like cleaning because he was here. I began to like being home because he was there. Antoine came back into the kitchen.

"Please don't break another vase," Antoine said. "You'll hurt yourself again."

I smiled at him and grabbed a plaster. After that I continued cleaning.

"Did you enjoyed the match?" Antoine asked me when we were done cleaning and we sat down at the couch with a cup of tea.

I nodded. "Of course. I loved to see you playing."

I loved to see how much he loved the sport. He played with so much passion. I loved the look in his eyes when he won a match.

He smiled at me. "Good to hear that. Do you play sports?"

I shook my head. "I haven't enough time for that."

He nodded. I took a sip of the hot tea. Immediately I spitted it out. "It's too hot!" I yelled.

Antoine began to laugh. "You're too clumsy," he said when he finished laughing. "I'll get you some water."

Antoine brought me some water and we continued talking for a while. After that we both needed to go to our jobs. I needed to go to the bowl hall and Antoine needed to go to his training.

"I'll see you later," Antoine said when we both walked to our own cars.

"See you later," I smiled while I gave him a quick hug. He smelled good.

I walked to my own car and drove to the bowl hall while I listened to my favourite music. I arrived at the bowl hall five minutes before three so I needed to hurry. I ran to the hall and sat down next to Kate. She was more cranky than she mostly was. I cleaned everything and did a few orders. It was just a normal day. Kate needed to go home earlier, I was sure my boss would never let my go home earlier, so I was alone at 10PM.

I was reading a magazine which was laying on one of the tables in the bowl hall when I heard the door. Normally guests never arrives at the time. I laid the magazine away and waited for the guests to be here.

"This is a robbery!" I heard when the guests came in.

It were two men dressed in black clothes. One of the pointed a gun at me.

"Please," I murmured. "Please don't shoot."

"Arms up or I shoot!" The other men seemed to have a gun too.

I put my arms up and the two men walked to the cash desk. I wanted to run away now but I knew they would shoot me if I did so I watched the two men do everything. My life was more important for me.

"Open the safe!" One of the men said. He pointed his gun at me again.

I tried to stay calm but it didn't work as well as I wanted. I knew that, when I opened the safe, my chance of keeping my job would be zero.

"Open the safe or I'll shoot!" The other men said while he punched me in my face.

I bite on my lip to fight against my tears and gave him the keys. One of the men grabbed them and went to the safe. The other men guarded me. One tear felt down my cheek. I wanted the men to go away. I wanted to be safe again. Every moment the men could shoot me and I was too afraid of that. The men, which was guarding me, began to tie me. First I resist.

"Don't move!" The men said while he kicked me on my knee.

"Auw!" I murmured.

I didn't resist anymore. I knew that would only make it worse. After a while the men left me. I saw it was midnight.

"HELP!" I yelled a few times but no one could hear me.

It was midnight. Of course no one could hear me. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but my body hurt too much. I thought about Antoine. What was he doing right now? Of course he was just sleeping. He was a footballer. A footballer needs a lot of rest. He didn't know I was here so he couldn't safe me from this. I slowly felt asleep.

The next morning I woke up from a yell.

"What happened?!" Emy yelled.

"A robbery," I said with a huskily voice.

"OMG!" She said. "You're hurt?"

She helped me escape from the ropes.

"Thank you," I said when I was free.

"You've to do declaration."

"I know," I nodded while I grabbed my stuff. "But first I go home."

"I can bring you home?" She offered.

I nodded. "Okay."

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now