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The week passed by fast because I was busy. I worked everyday in the bowl hall and in the store and I earned a lot of money. I decided to spare it so I could start a own barbershop in a few years. I was happy with the things I had right now but I always dreamed of being a good hairdresser.

I tried to forget Antoine because I knew things weren't going to happen between him and me. He was with my ex-best friend and I had to accept that.

That Sunday I finally had a day off so I decided to clean my apartment again. I turned the radio on and started cleaning while I softly sang with the radio. After a while my bell rang. I walked to my door and opened it. It was Antoine.

"Can I borrow some sugar from you?" He asked me.

"Why?" I asked him.

Why would I give him some sugar? He is hurting me over and over again. I didn't understood why he asked me for some sugar.

"Because we are going to bake pancakes," Antoine answered calm.

"Why would I give you sugar?" I said to him. "You're hurting me over and over again."

"You're hurting me too. I thought we were friends but you betrayed me," he said while he turned around and walked away.

"Wait!" I yelled but Antoine already disappeared in Dana's apartment.

"I'll buy some sugar," Antoine said. "Naomi's crazy."

I walked inside my apartment again and felt down crying on my couch. Why is he doing this to me? I couldn't forget Antoine. I became more and more jealous everyday. I wanted him back. Just as friends or more. I didn't care. I just wanted to be with him again like we were before. While I was thinking about Antoine I felt asleep.

When I woke up it was dark outside. I slept more than eight hours so I wasn't tired anymore. My face was full of dried tears. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned my face. After that I sat down at my couch and grabbed my laptop. I wanted to watch a movie. I heard noises in Dana's apartment. I tried to ignore it. Dana and Antoine were probably doing things I didn't wanted to know.

I scrolled through the list of movies and saw Finding Dory. It remembered me of the day when Antoine and I watched that movie together. I missed that times so much. Why couldn't it be like that right now? I just wanted to lay on the couch with Antoine and watch a lot of movies with him while we cuddle.

I just picked a random movie and started watching it. While I watched it I felt asleep again.

My sleep was interrupted by my alarm clock. I woke up and took a quick shower. I needed to work again. I got ready and drove to the bowl hall. When I arrived there Emy was already cleaning.

"Morning," I said while I hang out my coat.

"Hey Naomi. Did you slept well?" She asked me. "You look tired."

I nodded. "I slept well."

I helped started swiping the floor.

"Are you free tonight?" Emy asked me.

I nodded.

"We can go out, if you want of course."

I said yes. Only because I hoped Emy wouldn't think that something was wrong with me.

The evening Emy picked me up so we could drink something together. I was dressed in a black jeans with a floral top. We drove together while we talked about Emy and her boyfriend. She told me how happy she was with him. I was happy for her but I felt jealous too.

When we arrived we sat down in a random café. We got some coffee.

"Isn't that you best friend?" Emy said while nodded at a table which was a few tables away from ours. "I never knew that she was friends with Kate."

I turned around and saw Dana and Kate. They were sitting at a table while they were laughing and drinking coffee.

"She isn't my best friend anymore," I said. "Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet."

I stood up and walked to the toilet. I passed the table from Dana and Kate but they seemed to busy talking.

"It's her own fault. She's too clumsy to become a footballers girlfriend or a hairdresser or anything else," I heard Dana say.

I walked to the toilet and locked it. I started crying again. Why am I crying so fast lately?

After a few minutes I dried my tears. I didn't wanted Emy to worry about me. I washed my hands and my face and tried to look as normal as possible. After that I went back to Emy. Dana and Kate weren't sitting there anymore.

"What happened between you and Dana?" Emy asked me when I sat down.

"Just a fight," I said. "I think it would be solved in time."

I never wanted it to be solved again.

"You can tell me the truth," Emy said. "I'll tell no one. I promise."

I wanted someone to tell everything to so I decided to tell her everything what happened before.

"You and Antoine needed to be a couple," Emy said. "You need him and he needs you."

"But I think he doesn't want me anymore," I murmured.




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