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He parked his car at his house and he opened the door again for me.

"Thank you," I smiled at him while I gave him a little kiss on his cheek.

I was wondering what he wanted to do here. Maybe he just wanted to watch a movie on his couch with me. I was looking forward to something simple like that. I just wanted to be with Antoine.

"Come in," Antoine said while we walked into his house.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him because I really wanted to know what we were going to do.

"We're walking to my kitchen," Antoine said while he began to laugh. "You really want to know what we are going to you, don't you?"

I nodded. When we arrived at his kitchen I saw a lot of baking supplies standing at his countertop.

"Are we going to bake cupcakes?" I said cheerful.

Antoine nodded.

"Yes," I smiled. "I love cupcakes."

"I know," Antoine said with a smile.

We started to make the batter while we talked about a lot of things. Antoine asked me about my job. I told him I wanted to quit my job in the shop. I wanted to do that to spend more time with Antoine. I knew it would be impossible to find a lot of time together when I had two jobs. I wanted to keep my job in the bowl hall. I really began to love it. Antoine told me he was sorry almost a hundred times.

"Do you want to grab my phone? It's laying upstairs in my bedroom. I want to take photo's of the cupcakes," Antoine said.

I nodded and ran upstairs. I never been at Antoine's bedroom so I was wondering what it looked like. When I arrived I saw that it was really cleaned. More cleaned than my whole house. His phone was lying on his nightstand. I grabbed it and walked back to Antoine.

When I arrived at the kitchen I saw him standing with his back towards me.

"I got it," I said.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Did you ate one of the cupcakes?" I asked Antoine when I saw one of the cupcakes on his countertop.

He turned read. Yes, he had eaten one of the cupcakes.

We continued our cupcakes. We made some with our names and with our favourite animals, just like we did that other time. We were just like we used to be. When we were done we sat down on Antoine's couch while we ate our cupcakes.

"I'm happy your back again," Antoine said. "Dana would never back cupcakes with me."

I smiled at him and he put his arm around me. It felt familiar immediately. When we were done eating our cupcakes Antoine stood up.

"I've made something for you," he said nervous while he walked back to his kitchen.

I was thinking about everything it could be when Antoine came back into the living room.

"You're ready?" Antoine asked me.

"Yes," I smiled.

He gave me a plate. On the plate was a last cupcake. On that cupcake he had written some unreadable letters.

"Thank you," I said. "But what word is on the cupcake?"

Antoine turned a little bit red. "Naomi, want you be my girlfriend?" He asked me shy.

I smiled at him "Of course I want to be your girlfriend."

He grabbed me softly and his gave me a kiss on my mouth. It was just like the kiss we shared yesterday but this kiss was better because I knew my boyfriend gave me this kiss.

"I love you," he whispered when he let me go. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Antoine," I said before I kissed him again.

The next morning I woke up on Antoine's chest. I looked up and saw that he was still sleeping. He looked so peacefully. I didn't wanted to wake him up. Today I had a day off because I hadn't my job at the store anymore so I decided to sleep a little more.

"Naomi," Antoine said with a husky voice before I could fell asleep. "Do you have to work today?"

"No," I answered.

"Please stay with me in bed all day," Antoine suggested shy.

"Of course I will stay with you," I answered.

Antoine pulled me closer to his chest and kissed me on my forehead.

"You know I love you, don't you?" Antoine said again.

"You told me 1000 times. I love you too, Mr Griezmann."

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now