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Four days later it was Saturday. Yesterday Antoine came home but I hadn't time to hang out with him because I had to work. Antoine asked me to do something with him today. He didn't told me but he said I needed to be ready at nine o'clock. Exactly at nine o'clock I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Antoine standing behind it.

"Hey Antoine," I said with a smile.

"Morning Naom," He smiled back.

I locked my door and together we walked to his car.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.

"Something I think you would like," he said while a smile.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was blue.

I sat down at the passenger side of his car and he closed the door. During the ride we talked about the book Antoine recommended me. Antoine parked his car at big building. When I looked better I saw it was an aquarium.

"That's so cool!" I yelled when I saw it was an aquarium.

"I knew you would like it," Antoine said.

I saw he was happy I liked it. We opened our doors and stepped out his car. We walked into the big building.

"Can I help you?" The women behind the desk said. "OMG! You're Antoine Griezmann!" She said when she saw Antoine.

Antoine only smiled at her and he gave her the autograph she asked for. After that he bought the tickets for us.

"Doesn't it feel weird that everyone knows your name?" I asked him when we walked into the aquarium.

He shrugged. "I get used to it."

"I saw your match," I said to him. "You were good."

We stepped into a big hall. Everywhere around us were sea creatures. It was beautiful, more beautiful than every aquarium I saw in my whole life. When I was younger I went to an zoo with my parents and my little sister. There was an aquarium too. I remembered how I was fascinated about the wonderful creatures. I grabbed my phone to take some photos. I saw Antoine took some photos too.

"We can make a photo together?" Antoine asked me.

I nodded and Antoine asked a random stranger, a girl which was around my age, to take a photo of us. I stood next to Antoine and we both posed.

"Smile!" The stranger said.

We both smiled and the stranger took the photo.

"Thank you," Antoine said.

I made a photo from the stranger and Antoine too because the girl wanted a photo of her with Antoine. Antoine sat down at a stool while I still watched the fish. After a while I sat down next to Antoine.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Antoine asked.

I shrugged. Maybe I could hang out with Dana or something like that. Or I could do something with Antoine if he wasn't busy.

"You can come to my match?" He asked me shyly. "You can invite someone else if you want."

I could go with Dana, if she wanted to. "I'll come," I answered.

Antoine told me he would give me some tickets and after a while we leaved the aquarium.

"Thank you again," I said to Antoine when he stopped his car in front of my apartment.

"What do you mean with thank you?" Antoine asked me.

"Thank you for this day," I said. "It was fun."

Antoine smiled and I smiled back. I looked into his eyes. He wasn't far away from mine right now. He had a beautiful sparkly in his eyes. He leaned a little bit forward. I leaned forward too, ready to kiss him. At that moment my phone ringed. I sighed and grabbed my phone and saw my boss called me.

"I needed to take this," I said to Antoine while I hoped it wasn't bad news.

"It's okay," Antoine said. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," I smiled while I stepped out of his car and answered the phone call.

Antoine waved at me while he drove away.

"Naomi," my boss said. "Is it true that you bowled while you were working?"

How could he know that? "Yes, it's true," I said shyly.

"Can you come to my office Monday?" my boss said. "We need to talk."

After that he ended the phone call. I hoped it wasn't something worse but I knew it would be something worse. It wasn't a good idea to bowl while I needed to work. I didn't knew why I agreed with it. I hoped my boss wouldn't fire me.

I walked to my apartment and opened the door. It was diner time so I made some diner for myself. Dana wasn't home, she told me, because her boyfriend gave her a diner in a big restaurant for her birthday. Yesterday I helped her choice her outfit. She was too exited. I was happy for her. I ate my diner while I was on my phone.

I scrolled through the pictures I made today. I stopped at the picture from Antoine and I. Antoine was smiling while he had his arm wrapped around my waist. I was smiling too but I wasn't looking at the camera. Antoine's eyes were beautiful. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I thought about what happened in his car. Would Antoine have kissed me if we weren't interrupted by my phone?

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