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I'll post a new chapter once in the three days. I started a new story. The name of the story is Repulsion. It's a historic fanfiction about Mario Götze. Have fun with reading this chapter ♥♥



I didn't slept that night so I called myself sick the next day. The only thing I thought about was Antoine. I needed to do something to forget him but I didn't knew what. I got a call from my parents that day. They told me my mother had an accident. I immediately packed my bags and decided to travel to my hometown the next day. Maybe I could forget Antoine that way.

I slept better the next night. I called my jobs to tell them why I couldn't come to my work the next days. They understood me. That morning I threw my bags in my trunk and I drove to my hometown while I listened to the radio. I sang softly while I concentrate on the road.

After three hours I arrived at my parents house. My sister was already waiting for me. She was sitting in the window. When she saw me she jumped up and opened the door.

"Naomi!" She yelled. "I've missed you."

I hugged her. "I've missed you too, little sister."

"Mom and dad are in the bedroom," she said while we walked into my old home. I didn't missed it that much but I was happy to be home again.

I opened the door of the bedroom. Mom was laying in bed. Her leg was in plaster. My dad was sitting on a chair beside the bed.

"Hey honey," my mom said. "I'm happy you're here."

I smiled at her. "I'm happy too."

"Finally you're arrived," my dad said. "I'm so happy you can help us with the household."

I never told them I would help them with the household. I'm not ever good at that.

"Just for a week," my mom complement. "Until I can walk again."

I sat down at a chair besides my dad and I talked a bit with them.

"I'll make some tea," I said after a while.

My parents looked at me thankful. I walked to the kitchen and made some tea. After I was done I wanted to bring some to my parents too. The door of the bedroom was closed again. I heard my parents talking. They talked about me.

"Why doesn't she have a boyfriend?" My mother asked my father.

"She's clumsy and I don't think anyone wants a girl like her," my father answered.

"She's still our daughter," my mother answered.

I sighed and walked back to the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table and drank my own tea while I started crying again. I was weak the last time.

"Naomi?" I heard the voice of my little sister.


"What's wrong?"

"Uhh.. Nothing," I lied. "I've just something in my eye."

She seemed to believe me and grabbed one of the cups of tea.

"Why did you make four cups of tea?" She asked me.

"For mom, dad, you and me. Do you want to bring the cups of tea to them?" I answered.

My sister nodded and she grabbed the tray. After that she walked outside the kitchen and leaved me alone. I sighed relieved and walked to the bathroom to fix my hair and face. After that I did the dishes and I swept the floor.

I made some diner and I ate it with my sister and dad. My mom was still in her bedroom. While we ate our diner in silence. I was still mad at my dad because he said things about me to my mom. After diner I did the dishes again together with my sister.

"Did you ever been in love?" She asked me while we were working together.

I nodded. "A few times, why?"

"I'm in love too," she said shy. "I don't dare to ask him."

"I know what you mean but I think you've to ask him before it's too late," I said more to myself than to my sister. I didn't wanted her to make the same fault as I did.

My sister nodded. "You're right. Thank you for the advice."

I smiled at her and putted the plates back in the cabinets.

"I'm going to have a shower," I said to my sister.

After my shower I went to my old bedroom and I sat down on my bed. I saw my old dairy. It was laying on my nightstand. I grabbed it but I wouldn't open. I remembered where I hided the key. I grabbed one of my old pencil cases and searched for it.

I found it almost immediately and I opened my dairy. A little letter fell on the floor. I grabbed it and slide it in my pocket of my jeans. I was too tired to read it. I put my dairy in my suitcase and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and thought about life. I still thought about Antoine. I missed him. I wanted a future with him but I knew he would choice for Dana.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now