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"You know that you can't play while you're working, right?" my boss asked me. 

It was Monday morning and I just sat down at his office.

"Of course. I know that," I said.

"This isn't the first complaint I heard about you," he continued. "You're here because I want to tell you this is your last chance."

Of course I was happy I wasn't fired but it knew I maybe would screw up this chance. If I would do that I was sure I would be fired. When I was fired I hadn't a job anymore. No job meant no money and when I had no money I had no apartment.

"Have you heard that?" My boss said.

I nodded.

"Good. You can go now."

I grabbed my bag and walked out of his office. I needed to work right now so I walked to the bowl hall. Kate was sitting at the chair behind the bar. She was writing something.

"Naomi," she said when she saw me. "I heard it's your last chance."

Of course my boss told her. I nodded and sat down next to her.

"You need to sweep the floor," she said when she saw I sat down.

I stood up and grabbed the besom. I started swiping the floor. Maybe I needed to find a new job. I didn't liked this work anymore since Kate came here. I hoped something would happen today. Maybe Antoine would come over. I knew that it wasn't good for my job but I just wanted to see him.

I went to his match yesterday together with my best friend Dana. Atletico Madrid won. I never went to a big match like that before and I liked it. Antoine played good. He scored one time. After the match I wanted to tell him I was proud of him but I couldn't find him. We went home. Now I wanted to see him to tell him he played good yesterday.

"Naomi!" I heard Kate yelling behind me. "Don't think! Sweep!"

I sighed and continued sweeping the floor. When I was done I made some orders. When it was finally eleven o'clock my shift was done. I walked to my car. It was raining outside so my clothes were totally wet when I arrived at my car. I drove back home.

When I came home I took a shower. After that I sat down on my couch to watch one of my favourite tv shows. I didn't wanted to go sleep because I wasn't tired at all. When I was in the middle of an episode I heard my bell. Who's coming over at midnight?

I walked to my door and opened it. It was Antoine. His clothes were totally wet too.

"Can I come in?" he said. "It's cold outside."

I let him in.

"I just wanted to know how it ended," Antoine asked me while he took of his jacket.

"How what ended?" I gave him a questioning look.

I grabbed his coat and placed it on my heating.

"With you boss and your job," he said while he sat down on my couch.

"It's my last chance. If I would do something wrong I would be fired," I said.

He nodded. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

"It's not your fault," I said while I sat down next to him. "You played good yesterday."

He began to smile. It seemed he always got a beautiful look in his eyes when he talked about football.

"Thank you."

We talked a bit about football and my job. It started to storm.

"I think it's time for me to go," Antoine said after one hour.

"You can't go home in the weather," I answered because I didn't wanted something to happen with Antoine. "You can sleep here."

I grabbed some pillows and blankets and showed him my guest room. I had one for my sister because she wanted to come sleep over a lot in her holidays.

"Thank you," Antoine smiled.

"No problem," I said. "Good night."

I walked to my own room and changed into my pyjamas. I laid down into my bed and turned off the lights. That was the moment I felt into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up from some noise in my kitchen. I opened my eyes and stood up. When I arrived in my kitchen I saw Antoine.

"Good morning," he smiled. "I hope you like croissants and French bread."

He was making some breakfast. I saw he went to the baker this morning because I hadn't a lot of the stuff which was laying at my kitchen dresser.

"Good morning Antoine," I said while I sat down at the kitchen table. "Thank you."

"I need to thank you because I could sleep over last night," Antoine said while he sat down next to me.

We ate together.

"So what are you plans for today?" Antoine said.

"I need to work at three," I answered. "Before that I need to clean my house."

"I'll help you," Antoine said. "I need to train at four and before that I've nothing to do."

We talked a bit and ate our breakfasts. When we were done Antoine did the dishes. I started cleaning my house.

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