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The next morning I woke up at eight o'clock. I mostly woke up at that time even if I had to work at three o'clock in the afternoon. I got changed and ate some breakfast. Today I needed to do some groceries because I hadn't a lot food anymore. I grabbed my wallet and wrote down everything I needed. After that I leaved my apartment. I walked to the supermarket.

"Naomi!" I heard someone saying my name.

"Hey," I smiled. It was my best friend Dana. "Are you going to the supermarket too?"

She nodded. "I need some flowers for my mother. She has her birthday today."

"Happy birthday. It's your birthday next week, right?" I said. We arrived at the supermarket.

"Thank you and yes," she smiled. "What do you need? We can do our groceries together?"

I nodded. "Good idea."

Dana was my best friend since I lived here. We lived next to each other and we spend a lot of spare time together. I hadn't a lot of friends here. Most of my friends lived in my hometown. My parents still lived there. My sister lived there too. I didn't visited my parents a lot because I didn't missed them that much.

"I need some sugar too," Dana said while we walked to the sugar.

When we found all our groceries we paid them and after that we went home.

"What are you going today?" Dana asked when we putted my groceries in my cupboards.

"I've to work today," I said. "It starts at three."

Dana sighed. "You're always working."

I wasn't as lucky as Dana. Her parents paid her apartment so she didn't had to work as hard as me. She worked as a hairdresser. I always wanted to be a hairdresser too. I did a hairdresser study but when I passed it I couldn't find work. That was the reason I worked at the bowl hall now. Dana only worked three days each week. I worked five days each week.

"Still working with Kate?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"She's too annoying," Dana said.

I nodded again. Dana knew Kate because Dana sometimes bowled at the bowl hall where I worked.

Dana and I ate lunch together and after that she left. I decided to take a shower before I drove to my work. I parked my car at the parking lot and walked to the bowl hall. I liked to park my car far away from the bowl hall so I had to walk a little more. I had no time anymore to go for a run or to workout so this was a good exercise.

"Finally, there you are!" Kate said when I walked into our office. "I was waiting for you."

I sighed. I wasn't too late.

"We have to do this today," Kate said while she gave me a paper.

I took off my jacket while I read the paper. We needed to clean the bar and our desk. Besides that we needed to sweep the floor. I had to do everything because Kate was always too lazy.

At eleven o'clock I could finally go home. This day was quite boring. I cleaned the bar and our desk, just like my assignment, and I swept the floor. I walked to my car and drove home. When I was back home I laid down at my bed exhausted. I was another long, tiring day.


A few days later

The last few days were quite boring. Just the same as everyday. On the mornings I stayed at home to read some of my books or I went out for a run. At the afternoon I went to the bowl hall for my job. Everyday I went home at eleven o'clock and after that I went to sleep. Today it was Saturday so I hadn't to work. I first wanted to go to the library to change my books and after that I needed to buy a gift for Dana because her birthday was next week.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now