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The next morning I woke up early and went to the bowl hall. It wasn't a busy morning. I just cleaned a lot and filled up the soda automata. I went home at three o'clock.

I parked my car besides my apartment and unlocked my door. I was happy I had a free afternoon. I went inside and grabbed some food. After that I sat down on my couch and grabbed my newspaper. I read my newspaper while I ate some of my food. When I was done I wanted to read a book since I hadn't started any of the books I borrowed from the library. I walked to my cabinet and looked through the books. I saw the book Antoine recommended me. Now I had time to read it. I grabbed I and walked back to my couch.

"Valentines of the Rose," I read again.

I opened the book and started to read. Antoine was right, it was interesting. When I was at page 24 I found a little, folded paper. Maybe someone forgot to pick it out. I opened the paper and read it.

Hi Naomi,

I hope you like it so far. Tell me please what you think of the book. You can call me if you want and tell me what you think of the book.

X Antoine

Below his name stood his phone number. I grabbed my phone and put his number in my contacts. I decided not to call him because maybe he was training right now. I send him a message instead

Immediately Antoine answered. He asked me if I started the book. Of course I had. There wasn't an other way to find the little paper. We talked a little bit about the book and Antoine asked me a few things about my job. I told him I worked in the morning shift and Antoine told me he was on his plane at that moment. I was happy for him he brought some books with him because otherwise it would be boring. Antoine needed to go and I went back reading.

After a while my door opened. It was Dana. She had a key from my apartment so she could come in whenever she wanted too. I had a key from her apartment too.

"What do you think of a movie night tonight?" She asked me.

"Good idea," I smiled while I laid my book on my table. "But I haven't eat diner yet."

"I haven't eat diner too. I'll make us something while I go to the supermarket for some popcorn," Dana said while she walked to the kitchen.

The supermarket was near by my apartment so I walked to the supermarket and I bought some popcorn. After that I went home. Dana made some diner and we ate together. When we were done eating I saw I had some texts from Antoine.

"Who are you texting?" Dana asked me while she sat down next to me on the couch.

"Uhh.. It's nothing," I said. I turned off my phone and grabbed the movie Dana brought with her.

"You're in love, aren't you?" Dana said with a little smile on her face.

"No," I said. "I'm not."

Antoine and I are just friends.

"Let's start the movie," Dana said. It seemed like she totally forgot about the subject we talked about before.

I started the movie and we watched it while we ate the popcorn I bought a few hours ago. When the movie was done I had a few more texts from Antoine. He told me about his training. I was happy to hear his training was good.

"Are you texting that boy again?" Dana said.

I nodded.

"Tell me," she said. "What is his name?"

I trusted Dana. She was my only best friend here. In fact, she was my only friend here. Except for Antoine but I didn't know him that long. Could I call him a friend?

"Antoine," I answered Dana's question.

"That's a beautiful name," she said. "I'm sure he's handsome too."

"I'm not in love with him," I said. "We're just friends."

I showed her a photo of Antoine.

"He's that soccer player," Dana said.

I nodded.

"If I was you I would give it a try," Dana said.

I sighed. I was not in love with Antoine.


Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now