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"YOU'RE FIRED!" My boss yelled through the phone. "It's all your fault. All the money is gone."

Before I could say anything against it my boss hung up.

Emy brought me home to the police this morning to do declaration. After that she brought me home. I was happy with that because I couldn't drive myself. She promised she would bring my car home too. Her home wasn't far away from mine she told me. When I was home my boss called me and told me I was fired. It was my fault. I let the burglars in he said. I told it wasn't true but he said Kate told him I did.

A little tear slid down my cheek. I didn't knew what to do anymore. I had no job and that means no money. Without money I couldn't live here anymore.

I heard a knock on my door. Maybe it was Dana. Sometimes she came over to ask me for sugar or something else.

"Who's there?" I asked to be sure. I could be a burglar too.

"It's me," the voice said. "Antoine."

I walked to the door. I totally forgot my mascara was over my whole face.

"What happened?" Antoine asked me with a surprised look on his face.

Then I remembered I had mascara on my face. My head turned red.

"I'm fired," I said.

I was close to crying again but I didn't wanted to cry when Antoine was with me. I didn't wanted to show him I was weak.

"I feel so sorry for you," Antoine said. "I'll help you find a new job. I promise."

If I hadn't a job before next Friday I would lose my apartment. Than I needed to go back to my parents or I had to life with Dana but I wasn't sure Dana would let me life in her apartment.

I let Antoine in.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked him when he sat down at the couch.

He shook his head. "Please sit down next to me."

I sat down next to him and he grabbed his phone.

"You want to be a hairdresser, don't you?" He asked me.

I nodded. I always wanted to be a hairdresser. Dana was a hairdresser but there wasn't a job for me anymore so I started working at the bowl hall. My only reason to stay here was that job but now I haven't that job anymore I probably needed to go back to my parents.

"I can ask my hairdresser. Maybe he has some free spots."

Antoine texted his hairdresser.

"Now we can do something fun," Antoine said.

I didn't know why Antoine wanted to have fun in a situation like this. So I asked him why he wanted to do something fun.

"You need to forget about everything for a while. Stress isn't good for you," was his answer to my question.

"We can bake some cupcakes?" Antoine suggested. "I love them."

"Don't you have something like a diet?" I asked him.

"One time doesn't matter. Do you have flour in you house?"

I shook my head. Antoine stood up and zipped his jacket up.

"What are you waiting for?" He said. "We're going to the supermarket."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket and phone. We walked to the supermarket while we talked about our favourite cupcakes. Mine was, of course, chocolate while Antoine loved sprinkles. When we arrived we bought a cupcake mix and a lot of stuff to decorate. We went back to my home.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Antoine asked me. "I'm sure you're going to burn your hands."

Antoine and I were discussing who had to remove the cupcakes from the oven.

"I'm not that clumsy," I sighed.

I was sure I would burn my hands but I didn't wanted to admit it.

"But you can do it if you really want that."

Antoine grabbed the oven gloves and removed the cupcakes from the oven. I grabbed the marzipan and started to make figures.

"What's your favourite animal?" Antoine asked.

"A giraffe," I answered. "Yours?"

"I love lions."

I tried to make a lion cupcake for Antoine but I failed so I ate the marzipan and made some flowers and sprayed some sprinkles on in. I looked at Antoine's cupcake. He made a lion. His lion was more beautiful than mine. I saw another cupcake besides the lion. On that cupcake was a giraffe.

"That one is too cute," I said to him.

He looked at me with a smile. "It's for you."

I smiled back. "Thanks."

It's weird how one person can change your whole day from bad to good just by coming to your house and doing something random like baking cupcakes. Antoine always could light up my day even when we didn't something fun. He always made everything better.

"I like this cupcakes," Antoine said while he took another bite. "We've to do this a lot more."

I nodded. "This cupcakes are too good. You're a good baker."

Antoine smiled proudly. "I'm good at almost everything."

I sighed. "Yea, sure."

He wasn't good at everything but there were a lot of thing he was good at. Football for example.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now