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Antoine looked exhausted. I saw a few dried tears on his face.

"Naomi!" He looked a lot happier. "I'm so sorry."

He pulled me in a hug. He still smelled like he smelled before.

"I'm sorry too," I said while I hugged him back.

"Come in," he let me go. "I've to explain a lot of things."

I nodded and walked after him through his house. We sat down at his couch.

"I'm sorry I wasn't at the bowl hall today," Antoine said. "I didn't dare to come."

"I.." I wanted to say but I was interrupted by Antoine.

"Shhh.., I first want to say sorry for everything I did. I want to explain everything to you. You deserve an explanation."

I nodded and looked at his eyes. I was sure he didn't slept for a few days. I wanted to know everything what happened.

"I was drunk, a few months ago, and I kissed with Dana. We made love together and the next morning I woke up next to her. I'm so sorry for that but I was drunk but I thought about you the whole time. The next morning Dana told me about you. She said you wanted my fame and she told me a lot of things she heard about you. I believed her. She told me to stay away from you because she said you were wrong," Antoine said. "But three days ago I was playing on Dana's phone when she received a message from Kate, your old colleague. I read all of their messages and found out who Dana really was. She helped Kate with the robbery on you. She wanted the robbers to kill you but they couldn't do that. All she wanted was to be my girl for my fame and money."

I looked at Antoine with an astonished look. I knew Dana was wrong but I never knew she was that wrong.

"I'm so sorry. I understand it when you don't want me back," Antoine said.

Of course I wanted him back but I began to doubt. What if he would hurt me again? I was sure I couldn't handle that.

"Please, Naomi. Say something," Antoine said again.

"I'm sorry Antoine," I answered. "I need to think."

I stood up and fixed my clothes. After that I walked outside to my car. I needed to think. I didn't wanted to get hurt again or to make hasty decisions. I wanted to be sure about everything. When I wanted to start my car Antoine was tapping my window.

"I wanted to say one more thing," Antoine said when I opened my window. "Naomi, I missed you."

I missed him too. Of course I missed him. I thought about him every second of the day. I looked into his beautiful eyes. They looked the same as the last time we kissed but this time there weren't lights in them. I wanted to kiss him again. Just to get the same feeling as the last time. I leaned a little bit forward and I saw Antoine was doing that too. Slowly his lips touched mine. I closed my eyes and he laid his hand on my cheek. It felt just like the last time we kissed. After a few seconds we let go. I immediately missed his warm lips on mine.

"I missed you too Antoine," I said. "But I need to think."

"Okay," he said while he gave me a sad smile.

I started my car and drove home. When I wanted to open my apartment I saw Dana wasn't living next to me anymore. Now there were plants in the windowsill and the curtains were different. I could visit my new neighbours later.

I needed to work the next day. I had the early shift at the bowl hall so I went to my bed early. I couldn't sleep that night. The only thing I could think about was Antoine. At 2AM I decided to text him. I wanted to give us a chance. Just because I wanted him that bad. After I texted him I felt asleep peacefully. I slept better than the last few days.

The next day I got a few messages from Antoine. He told me he would pick me up from my work and asked me when I was done working tomorrow. I answered immediately and after that I got dressed. I drove to the bowl hall and worked until it was three o'clock.

When I was done I walked outside and I saw Antoine standing there. I ran to him and gave him a quick hug.

"Hello," he smiled. The lights in his eyes were back.

"Hi Antoine," I smiled too. He kissed me on my cheek. "So what are we going to do today?"

"You'll see," Antoine winked.

"You know I hate surprises," I said.

"Of course I know you hate surprises," he answered with a smile.

We walked to his car and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

We were just like before but there was one difference. We acted like a couple but Antoine still didn't asked me to be his girl friend. I really wanted to be his girl but I still didn't knew if he felt the same. Maybe he just wanted to be friends with me.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now