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Three days later I had a day off. I needed to do my groceries so I went to the supermarket. When I arrived I went inside and grabbed everything I needed. I stood at the back of the queue next to the cash desk.

"Naomi," I heard behind me.

I turned around and I saw Kate, my colleague from the bowl hall.

"That wasn't that smart," she said.

"What wasn't that smart?" I didn't understood where she was talking about.

"The robbery," she said. "You could have known that our boss would fire you."

I sighed. "That wasn't my fault."

"It was," she said. "If you had watched who came in you could call the police."

I decided to ignore Kate because I didn't wanted to be remembered at the fact it was my fault. She was right. It was my fault.

"Do you have a new job now?" Kate asked.

I nodded and laid my groceries on the cash desk. I paid and walked back to my car. I was driving home when I received a text message from Antoine. He asked me to come to his house. I quickly parked my car at home to bring my groceries to my apartment. After that I went to Antoine's house. When I arrived I ringed his doorbell.

"Hey," Antoine said while he hugged me.

"Hey Antoine," I said. "Why did you ask me to come to your house?"

He let me go. "I'm going to Italy because we have a match with our national team next week on Thursday," he said. "And I want you to come with me."

"I can't," I said. "I've to work."

"You can ask your boss to work on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday next week?" Antoine suggested. "Please, come with me."

"I'll think about it," I said. Of course I wanted to go with him but I wasn't sure about it. Could I ask my boss something like that?

"You can text him now," Antoine tried.

I grabbed my phone and send a short text to my boss. I hoped he wouldn't think it was rude. I didn't wanted to lose my job again. We sat down on the couch.

"Have you seen Finding Dory?" Antoine asked me.

I shook my head.

"We can watch it now," he said. "If you want of course."

"Yea, that sounds fun," I answered while Antoine grabbed his laptop and started Netflix.

Antoine stood up and made some popcorn while I filled two glasses with coke. The movie loaded so we sat down on his couch again and watched the movie while we ate our popcorn. When the movie was done we discussed a bit about the movie. Antoine asked me to stay at his place so we could cook some diner together.

"We can make some spaghetti?" Antoine suggested.

Spaghetti was one of my favourite foods. "I would love that," I said.

Together we made some spaghetti and after that we sat down at the table and talked a bit. After we ate our food I went home because I was tired. Besides that, I had to work the next day. When I arrived home and immediately took a shower. After my shower I wanted to go to bed. Before I stepped into my bed I checked my phone. I had one unseen message from Antoine. I immediately unlocked my phone.

"I thought you were better than that. Using me for my money and fame. I know everything Naomi and we will never see each other again. I'll find someone else to come with me to Italy," I read aloud.

What happened? Why would Antoine say that? I sat down on my bed with my head in my hands. I would never use someone for the money or the fame. I laid down on my bed and started crying in my pillow. Who would do something like that to me? I decided to text Antoine back but I found out he blocked me. I decided to do something the next day.

The next morning I woke up early and called myself sick. I never did something like this before but I knew I needed to make things up with Antoine. I got dressed and drove to Antoine's place. I knocked on his door. After a few minutes Antoine opened his door.

"I don't want to see you, Naomi," Antoine said.

I sighed and started talking. "I want to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you," Antoine said. "I know everything."

He slammed the door in my face. I knocked at his door again. He didn't responded so I tried again. I wanted to talk to him. He needed to tell me who told him this. Finally he opened his door.

"Stop knocking please," he said. "I don't want to talk to you. Go away! Go to your poor work or your poor appartment! I don't care were you going. Go away!"

"Antoine, please!" I begged. "Listen to me for one second."

"One second," Antoine said.

"Who told..." I was interrupted by Antoine.

He slammed the door in my face again. I sighed and walked to my car because I knew it was impossible to talk to Antoine when he was in this stage. I went home and spend my whole day to watching series.

Almost 3k! It's unbelievable. Thank you all again ♥

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