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The next nights I couldn't sleep. The only things I could think about were Dana and Antoine. I heard Dana giggling in the apartment besides me one night. Antoine was with her. I was jealous. Now I was sure I felt in love with Antoine and I missed our times together. On Saturday I watched Antoine's game. He played good, better than the times I went to his games. He was happier with Dana than with me. I decided to forget him.

Two days later I got a call from my boss at the bowl hall. He asked me to work for him again. He told me he was sorry and he told me Kate was fired. He begged me to come back. I accepted the job because I just had too much free time. Now I had two jobs which meant I could make a lot of money.

One week later was my first work day. I was happy I could come back at the bowl hall. I drove to the bowl hall and parked my car at my favourite spot. I went inside and took my jacket off. I had to work with Emy, the girl who found me after the robbery.

"Hey Naomi," she said when she saw me. "I'm happy you're back."

"Me too," I said while I walked to the hall. There were a lot of customers so I started doing orders.

The day was just like the other days when I worked at the bowl hall. But it was more social with Emy. We talked a lot when we had nothing to do.

"And Naomi," Emy said. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

"I thought you were dating that footballer. Wait, I'm sure I can remember his name. Let me think."

"Antoine Griezmann," I said. "No, I never dated him. We were just friends."

And I maybe thought we were more but we weren't. I didn't said that to Emy. She was a nice girl but I knew she gossip a lot.

"If I were you I had kissed him when I saw him the first time," Emy said.

"And you?" I asked her to change the conversation. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

She nodded. "I'm with Sam since two years ago," she said with a smile on her face.

I was a little bit jealous. I wanted to look like that when I talked about Antoine. I wanted us to be together.

"I'm happy for you guys," I gave her a fake smile.

When the day was over I went home. I sat down on my couch with a cup of tea when I heard voices in the apartment next to me. Antoine and Dana were there again. The walls were too tin. I could hear everything they said. They were talking about football games. Antoine never told me that much about football. I wanted to grab the remote control but it was too far away. I tried to grab it with my foot but while I did that I forgot about my tea. I spilled a bit on my hand. It turned red immediately.

"Shit," I cussed.

I walked to my crane and turned it on the coldest. I put my hand under my crane and sighed. I got a little blister on my hand. I searched for a plaster and I found only one. I cared my wound but pressed the plaster on it. The plaster didn't pasted anymore and I hadn't anymore plasters. I decided to ask some of my neighbours.

I went to my left neighbour, an old woman, but she wasn't home. I had no other choice then to ring the bell of Dana's apartment. She opened the door with a sheet around her body.


"I need a plaster," I said. "Please, do you have one for me?"

"I'm not going to borrow you a plaster," Dana said. "GO AWAY NOW!"

I sighed and turned around. I needed to go to the drug store to buy some plasters and that was almost ten minutes from here.

"Wait," I heard Antoine's voice.

I turned around and saw Antoine standing in the doorway with a plaster in his hand. He was standing there in his boxer shorts. He was the most attractive men I had ever seen. His hair was messy.

"Here," he said while he gave me the plaster. "Please go now."

"Thank you," I smiled while I walked back to my apartment.

What did this meant? Of course Antoine didn't liked me but probably he didn't hated me either. I didn't knew what to think about it anymore. It was a nice gesture of him but maybe he only did it because he wanted me to go away.

I went inside my apartment and cared my wound. I putted the plaster on my wound and went to the drug store to buy more plasters because I hadn't them anymore in my apartment.

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