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Two months later I still heard nothing from Antoine. I saw his match on my television and he played worse than normal.

That day I had a day off. I decided to do my groceries because I hadn't time for that earlier. I grabbed everything I needed and locked my apartment. I walked to the grocery story to buy my groceries. When I stood at the toppings section I saw Dana. She grabbed a pot of Nutella. I walked to her but before I arrived I heard a similar voice.

"Dana," someone yelled. "Honey. Do you need some broccoli too?"

I turned around and saw Antoine. I froze and wanted to walk away. Dana saw me too. They both didn't greeted me. What had I done to be treated like this?

I sighed and walked away. I paid my groceries and walked to my apartment. Why was Antoine calling Dana honey? Were they together now? Maybe that was the reason why Dana and I weren't friends anymore. It was one month after the argument.

[Flashback] I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

I knew it was Dana. She hadn't been here for a week or so. I missed her and I wanted to do something with her. Dana opened my door and sat down beside me on my couch.

"I've to ask you something," Dana said.

"Okay," I answered while I turned around so I could look at her.

"Why do you never ask me to do something? I always have to ask you," she said.

"That's not true!" I yelled.

I knew it was true.

"When was the last time we did something together that you suggested?" She asked me.

I shrugged.

"That's what I mean. I don't want to be friends with you anymore when you act like this," she said.

"But.." I murmured overwhelmed by what was happening.

She stood up and slammed my door. Everyone was leaving me. One month ago Antoine left me and Dana left me too. [end flashback] 

I was sure I needed to make things up. With Antoine and with Dana. I wanted to know why they both left me. I wanted them both back.

The next day I went to Antoine's house again. I knocked on his door and someone immediately opened his door. It was Dana.

"What are you doing here?" She said. "I don't want to see you again. You're a bad friend."

I sighed. "I want to ask you something."

"What do you want to ask me?" Dana sighed too. I could see she didn't liked my company.

"Why did you leave me?"

"I told you earlier. You aren't a good friend. I don't want to be friends with you anymore. And now, leave or I will call the police."

I didn't wanted her to call the police but I stayed because of one reason.

"I want to speak with Antoine," I said.

"My fiancée is training," she answered. "You aren't allowed to see him again. You're bad company."

I turned around and walked to my car. I wanted to go to the training field to see Antoine. I needed to hear his side of the story. I didn't knew why I was friends with Dana before. I drove to the training field and parked my car. I stepped out of my car and locked my doors. After that I asked some people for Antoine. I couldn't see him now but after the training he would give people autographs, that was what they told me. I decided to wait for him at the parking lot.

After two hours Antoine arrived at the parking lot.

"What are you doing here?" He said astonished when he saw me.

I couldn't see he was happy or not. I hoped he was happy.

"I want to ask you something," I said. "Why did you leave me?"

"I told you," he answered. "You wanted to be friends with me for my fame and money."

"No, I never said that," I sighed. Why did no one believed me?

"Your friend told me you said it to her," Antoine said.

I looked into his eyes. He looked disappointed. There was a lot of difference between now and the time we kissed. I remembered looking into the same eyes but that time they were brighter.

"I never did," I whispered.

I was disappointed too but not in Antoine but in Dana. She was the bad friend in our friendship.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now