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A suprise chapter because Strike has 2k readers. Thank you all so so so much ♥♥ 


The next day I went to my new job. It was fun but it was also tiring. I came back home exhausted. When I opened my door I found a envelope on my door mat. I read the letters on the front. They were written in a scratchy handwriting.

For Naomi,

I opened the envelope immediately and found two cards for Antoine's game next Saturday. I found a paper too.

I'm sorry if I disappointed you, Naomi. I hope we can be friends again. Love, Antoine.

It was a nice gesture. I decided to go to Dana to ask her to come with me. I hadn't any other friends to go with. I walked to her apartment and opened her door. Dana was sitting on her couch with a cup of tea.

"Hey," she said when she noticed me.

"Hey," I answered. "Antoine invited me again for his match. Do you want to go with me?"

"When is his match?" Dana asked.

"Saturday," I answered.

"I'm sorry. I can't go Saturday. My brother is coming over," she said.

"No problem."

Of course it was a problem. Now I had to go alone. I was sure I wanted to go because I didn't wanted to disappoint Antoine. But I hated going alone.

"How are things between you and Antoine?" Dana asked.

I sat down on her couch and told her everything including the kiss and the envelope on my doormat.

"I think he's in love with you," Dana said.

"I hope so," I answered.

"You are in love with him too?"

"I don't know," I told her honestly.

We talked a bit and after that I went home to make some diner for myself. After I ate my diner I read one of the books I got yesterday and I texted a bit with Antoine. He asked me I had received his envelope and he told me he was sorry. I went to bed early because I was tired and I had to work the next day.


Two days later I went to Antoine's match. I sat down on the chair Antoine gave me and watched the match. I sat in the private section of the stand.

"Who gave you the tickets to sit here?" A random girl, who sat next to me, asked me.

"Antoine," I said. "Antoine Griezmann. That boy," I pointed

"Yea, I know who he is. He's such a hottie," she smiled.

I hated that smile. I hated the way she talked about Antoine.

"Are you two friends, or more?" She asked me.

"We are friends," I said.

"You're lucky," she said. "He hasn't a good choice."

I sighed and decided to answer nothing because I didn't want to make a fight.

"For who are you here?" I asked her.

"I'm here for Fernando," she answered. "He's my fiancée."

Fernando wasn't that lucky with a girl like that. I was happy she didn't spoke to me after that. I watched the match and cheered for Antoine. He scored one time. He looked at the private section. I wasn't sure he looked at me but he smiled and his smile made me happy. When the match was done I waited for Antoine.

"Hey," he said when he saw me.

"Hey," I said. "You played good."

"Thank you," he smiled.

He wanted to hug me but I rejected him.

"You're stink," I laughed.

He began to laugh and tried to hug me again. This time he succeed.

"You have to congratulate me," he said.

I sighed.

"Are you sure you guys are friends?" It was the girl from the stand again.

I sighed.

"Don't pay attention to her," Antoine whispered. "I know her. She's horrible."

The girl walked to Fernando and kissed him passionately. I was happy she walked away. Antoine got changed. He told me to wait for him because he wanted to drive home together. He told me he drove together with Fernando and he didn't wanted to be in one car with his horrible girlfriend, named Claire.

When Antoine was done we walked to my car together.

"Thank you for coming to my match," Antoine said.

"I liked it," I answered while I started my car.

We drove home and we talked like nothing happened before but something was different. Maybe it was the way Antoine looked at me.

"Do you want to come over for diner?" I asked Antoine.

He nodded. "Good idea."

"I've to cook something first. What do you like?" I asked him.

"We can order pizza too. I'm hungry," he said.

I smiled and Antoine immediately grabbed his phone to order some pizza. After he ordered some pizza we arrived at my apartment. The pizza came fast and Antoine paid for it. We sat down on my couch and ate the whole pizza together.

"I love this," Antoine said while he just took one slice of pizza.

I nodded. "Me too."

After we ate the pizza and we watched some tv Antoine went home. I was alone again. I decided to continue reading my book. After that I went to bed. I was tired from the day.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now