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On Saturday we went to the market. It was an idea from my mother. We needed to buy a lot of fruits and veggies because my mother said it would heal her leg. She could walk better and she told me I could go home quick.

The next day I went home because my mother didn't needed me anymore. I promised them that I would came back quick.

"Good luck with that soccer player," my little sister said.

"How could you know that.."

She interrupted me. "I know you better than you know yourself. Please go and tell him what you feel."

I waved to my parents and sister and after that I drove home. The whole ride I was thinking about one thing: Antoine. Every song on the radio seemed to remind me of him. I was sure, totally sure I was in love with him.

When I finally arrived home I parked my car at the parking lot and went inside my apartment. Today I had my last day of. Tomorrow I had to work again. I opened my front door and saw a lot of post laying on my doormat.

I laid my suitcase on the floor and grabbed everything. I walked to my living room with my post in my hands and laid it down on the table. One of the letters took my attention. It wasn't a bill or junk mail. It was a real letter. I grabbed it and opened it.

-Come to the place we first met at Sunday evening at 19:00- was written on a small paper. I immediately knew who wrote it.

The day passed by slow. I cleaned my apartment a bit and sat down at my couch watching some series and drinking some tea. At 6PM I took a shower and did my hair. I choice an outfit to wear. Something comfortable because maybe we were going bowling. I did my make-up. After that it was fifteen minutes for seven so I decided to go.

I drove to the bowl hall while I listened to the radio again. My mood was better than it was the last few months. I parked my car at the parking lot while I thought about everything what I could say to Antoine. I wanted to tell him how much regret I had and how much I missed him. I wanted to kiss him that bad. I really really missed him.

I almost ran to the bowling hall. When I entered it Antoine wasn't here. Maybe he was just late, or I was just too early.

"Hey," a girl behind the desk said. I didn't knew her, she must be new. "What can I do for you?"

"I'll just wait here," I said.

I wanted to wait for Antoine. I grabbed my phone and started playing a boring game. The time passed by slowly. At 20:30 Antoine still wasn't there. I began to thought that the letter wasn't from him. I felt alone, really alone.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked me.

"Uhh.. Nothing," I said while I ran out of the bowling hall.

I sat down at the curb with my head in my hands. I started crying a bit. I was too disappointed. I really thought the letter was from Antoine. I hoped he would make things up with me but that wasn't true. I just got a little bit of hope that everything would become all right again.

I walked back to my car and drove back home again while I listened to some sad music. When I arrived home I saw the little paper again. I grabbed it and ripped it while I started crying again. I saw my old dairy which was lying in my suitcase and I started to read it. It was about the guy I felt in love when I was sixteen. He didn't wanted me because I loved reading books. He thought I was boring and just a normal girl. He didn't wanted a girl like me. I promised myself to never fall in love again because every boy would hurt you. I was right. Why did I felt in love with Antoine? I could answer that question myself. I felt in love with him because he was that nice to me. I felt in love with him because I thought he really cared.

He let me down and I wanted to know it when the letter was from him so I decided to visit Antoine. I walked to my car and drove to Antoine's house. When I arrived I knocked on his door. I had to wait a few seconds before Antoine himself opened it.

Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now