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Antoine went home after we ate diner together. We had a lot of fun together. I asked him to stay with me but he told me he had other things to do. I was a little bit disappointed but I understood him. He was a footballer so he was always busy. I needed to be happy with the time we spend together.

I hadn't nothing to do so I decided I could continue reading my books I brought from the library two weeks ago. I needed to bring them back in a few days and I hadn't finished all of them. I didn't spend a lot time on reading the last few weeks. Maybe because I spend a lot time with Antoine. I began to like him. Maybe a little bit too much for just friends. But I didn't wanted to think about it. Maybe I had to leave Madrid in one or two weeks. I couldn't start a relationship with Antoine.

The next day I called Antoine to ask him if he heard something from his hairdresser. He didn't heard something but he promised me he would tell me when his hairdresser answered him. He told me he had training today so he couldn't do something with me. I said I wouldn't mind but of course I did mind. I felt alone so I went to Dana.

"Morning," I said when Dana opened her door.

"Hi Naomi," Dana said. "I feel so sorry for you."

How could she now? I hadn't told her.

"How do you know that I'm fired?" I asked her.

"Uhh.. I heard you talk to.. Uhh.. That soccer player," she said.

I shrugged and walked inside her apartment. "What are you going to do today?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said while she sat down at her kitchen table. "Do you want tea?"

"Yes," I said.

Dana stood up and poured a cup of tea for me.

"Thank you," I said when she gave it to me.

"So," Dana asked. "What are you going to do now?"

I shrugged. "To be honest. I don't know. I need to find a new job because I need to pay my apartment."

"I feel so sorry for you," Dana said again.

I took a sip from my tea which was too hot so I burned my mouth. Dana began to laugh.

"You're the smartest friend I ever had," she laughed.

I sighed and filled a cup with water.

"We can search for a job for you today," Dana suggested while I sat down again at her kitchen table.

I nodded.

After we drank our tea we went to the shopping mall to ask in different shops. One shop asked me to come on a job interview the next day. It was an toys shop. I was happy I maybe had something but it wasn't my first choice. When we came back home I texted Antoine what happened today. Immediately after that he responded. He was happy for me.

I went back home and made some diner for myself. After I ate my diner I started reading again. I finished the book Antoine choice for me. I texted Antoine I loved it but he didn't responded. Maybe he was just busy. I grabbed another book and started reading.

When it was eleven o'clock I went to bed because I was tired. Besides that I had to look good tomorrow because I had a job interview.

The next morning I woke up from my alarm. I got ready fast and drove to the place where my job interview was. When I arrived I parked my car and walked inside the huge building. It was obviously bigger than the bowl hall. I walked to the desk.

"You must be our candidate," the woman behind the desk said. "You can wait there."

I sat down at the chair she pointed at and waited for someone who would pick me up.

"You're our candidate?" A men from almost forty asked me.

I nodded.

"You can come with me," he said.

I stood up and walked with him to, probably, his office.

"So what's your name?" He asked me.

"Naomi," I said. "Naomi Melendez."

He shook my hand. "Nice to meet you. My name is Philip Gracia. You can sit down there."

I sat down at the chair and answered the questions he asked me. It wasn't going that bad.

"We will call you in a few days," Philip said.

I nodded. "Goodbye."


I went back home and called Dana. She told me to call her after my job interview. I told her everything went well and there was a good choice I had the job. I hoped I had the job because I knew I needed a job in a few days.


Strike // A.GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now