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I had a little trouble with posting this part because wattpad acted weird. I'm sorry.


The next morning I woke up early. I first didn't remembered where I was but when I saw the familiar wallpaper I knew I was home. I stood up and got dressed quick. When I walked into the kitchen my mom was sitting at the table again.

"I walked on my own," she said proud.

I smiled at her and made some breakfast.

"Do you want some too?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Two slices of bread with jam please."

I made two slices of bread for her and I made two for myself too. After that I sat down at the table besides her.

"Dad is working," my mother said while she ate her breakfast. "Do you want to buy some groceries today with your sister?"

I nodded. "Good idea."

I ate my breakfast quick while I talked with my mom about the weather and about my job. My sister came into the kitchen.

"Morning," she said while she grabbed some cornflakes.

"Morning," I answered while I did some dishes. My parents really needed to buy a dishwasher.

When my sister was done I grabbed my wallet and we went to a grocery store nearby. We quickly did our groceries. When we were waiting for a cash desk I saw Antoine on a magazine. I grabbed the magazine.

"What are you going to do with that?" My sister asked me.

"I'm going to buy it," I said simple.

We paid everything off and we went back home. I hung the laundry to dry and after that I sat down at a chair in our garden with a cup of tea and the magazine.

-Antoine Griezmann's new love- I read on the front-page. There was a big picture of Dana and Antoine in the middle of the page. -Read more about this on page 24- I browsed through the magazine while I took a sip of my hot tea. I totally forgot it was hot so I burned my mouth again. I started to read the article about Antoine and Dana. My name wasn't mentioned and I was happy about that. The media didn't knew a lot about their relationship.

After I read the article I went inside. I putted the magazine in my suitcase too and after that I retrieved the wash from outside because it dried quick. I cleaned a bit in the house and I talked a bit with my sister. I was happy to see her again. I really missed her. She gave me some books to read. We both loved reading.

That evening I made some diner. I sat, for the first time in years, at the table with my whole family.

"Naomi?" My dad said. "Didn't tell me you had put tomato's in that salad."

"I did," I bite my lip.

"You know that I'm allergic for tomato's!" My dad yelled at me.

"Philip, please keep calm," my mom said.

"I don't keep calm! I'm done with it! Why you're always that clumsy?"

I got tears in my eyes so I ran to my room. Everything seemed to be the same as a few years ago. My dad was always mad at me for no reason. I felt down on my bed and started crying again. I wanted to be with Antoine right now. He seemed to care about me. The only thing I needed was someone who cared about me. I wanted him to comfort me right now. To hold me tight and to tell me that I was worth something. But he wasn't here.

One hour later my dad came to my room to tell me that he was sorry. I told him it was okay but it was definitely not okay. I felt asleep in tears again while I hoped the next day would be better.

But the next days weren't better. They were almost the same. I did a lot in the household. My sister needed to go to school. My dad was working. When my dad came back from his work he told me I wasn't as good as my mom. Of course I wasn't as good as my mom, she had a lot more experience than me.

I didn't slept that good. The most nights I was thinking about Antoine. I was dreaming about going out together. To the beach or just to the movies. I didn't care. As long as I was with him. But I knew it was only a dream.

I watched a game from Antoine with my sister that Friday. He didn't played that good and he didn't looked that good neither.

"You seem to like that player," she said while she pointed at Antoine.

I nodded. "I think he's one of the nicest players," I said.

I didn't told her that I wanted him to be mine. She wouldn't understand me. I had messed up everything too bad. It would never become good again.

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