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It's been two years now. I graduated last year and this year the rest of my friends were going to finish up as well. Living on my own had allowed me to clear my head and learn many things. And being in the city taught me to be aware of my surroundings even more, and protect myself from many dangerous situations. Yeah, I got caught up in a few beat downs and Strifes, maybe a robbery or two where I got shot once when I  fought back. It was worth it though. I got a job and earned money. Got an apartment and learned how to manage my money on my own. And above all of this I finished high school by taking inline classes. Now that I have myself straightened out, I was ready to come back home. But I was also ready to get a fist to the face and maybe a kick to the stomach, but I deserved it for leaving without a word. I could get cursed out. And possibly tackled, either way I was fine with whatever. I sold my apartment and took my things with me. I had a new car or rather a Van that would fit all of my shit, so I was set to go.

I managed to arrive to Washington within a few days and made it to the auditorium where all of my friends were going to be having their graduation. After parking in the massive lot that was eighty percent filled, I found a seat upfront where I could see everyone when they would walk by. I looked down at myself and made sure nothing was misplaced or wrinkled. Had to be in fresh clothing  you know? I wore a long sleeved dress collared shirt that was buttoned all the way, a black vest buttoned up, a red tie, black pants and belt. And my converse sneakers. I sat in my seat and waited for the ceremony to start when a pair of arms fly around me from behind.

"You fucking prick," I recognized that voice anywhere. It was Dirk. He was wearing basically the same clothes as me, but with an orange tie. He graduated last year and was now working on opening his own electronics and technologies store. I had to admit, only he could manage to pull it off with all the wisdom he holds in his head.

I smiled a bit and looked at him.

"I know....its been a while hasn't it?" He sat beside me and nodded.

"So how is the money making like?"

"Earning some good earnings man. Doing comics and making music for others is actually helping me out a lot. I have plenty saved up and a lot to spend on what I need. Which is how I came back,"

"So I see...New York treated you right?"

"In the beginning not was hectic being on your own and homeless...but I managed..."

"That's good...a lot has happened since you left man. And I'm sure after this ceremony you would want to catch up..."


"So you have returned Strider,"

Shit. Was all I could think of as I turned to see Kankri and Cronus standing wearing their own threads. Before i could even breathe out my inhaled air he speaks and speaks

"Do you realize just how your disappearance has triggered everyone? Do you realize all the shit #shit that everyone had to go through? #selfish. #teiggered to the fucking max just by seeing your face again!I do not believe you should partake in this event mainly for the reason that you do not deserve to see this. You were not here. You disappeared. You vanished without a trace leaving only Dirk to know the truth. That did not make anything better at all. Karkat had a tough time as well and we believe to know what else has been going on within his own thinkpan and it's all because of the fact that you ran away in an effort to protect but that will never solve the problem that you have inside of yourself and outside. You should have stayed when you were needed the fucking most. #most! #needed! Am I clear on that matter?! Or this matter in general?! # no apologies. I do not wish to apologize or forgive you for this. Dear Dave....#sick of you"

"Kanny! That's quite enough! Back away from the boy," a female troll walks over, her appearence similar...or well not really, to Kanaya. Her horns were the same. She wore piercings at her eyebrows and lower lip and her body had swirled tattoos. She wore a black and green dress with slits at the sides. Her hair long down to her upper back. She folded her arms.

"Porrim if you please-"

"No I don't hear it...Kanny leave the boy have most likely triggered him so do not even try to say anything,"

"Oh believe me it's fine...I deserve any lecture right now...I'm not going to lie..or deny...that.i did pull off a bullshit move..." I said with a laugh filled with anxiety. Just because i haven't had an attack in a long time, doesn't mean my anxiety issues were gone. They were still around and right now I could feel my nerves clenching and my chest tighten. Dirk rubs my back as I look over to the stage just as the ceremony starts. I watched and listen.

"Now we would like to thank our special group of handfuls who put together funds in order to allow our music and art programs to grow. Let us all welcome to the stage, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas," the principal kept naming them...all of my friends who I left behind.

"Let's have a word from Karkat Vantas the beginning leader who started it all," I stood up and clapped just as did everyone else. Karkat walks up to the stage and starts speaking.

"First off excuse my loud pretentious voice. I know it's freaking loud and a bit pubescent. And if I slip with my language then excuse that too. The idea to help the god awful music and art programs were not fully my idea. But an idea of a good friend of mine. Who god knows where he is now. He wanted it to happen, he inspired the rest of us to chip in. He was...i hate to admit a pretty cool dude,"

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes. My hand to my lips. I let my head fall as i kept listening.

"If it wasn't for him and his support on the matter we wouldn't have started this. His name was once well known at school for the raps he wrote and for the idiocidy he would display everywhere just for the god damn fun of it. His name was Dave Strider. Wherever the god dn guy is, on behalf of the music and arts programs we would like to thank him and that he would have been happy to join us. Thank you to those who donated and had influenced as well on the programs and spread the word. Thank you," everyone clapped. I decided to be the idiot he claimed me to be and stood up straightening my vest out.

"Go get'em tiger," Dirk says with a smirk.

I smirked and jumped over the railing to the floor beneath and landed perfectly on my feet. Eyes looked to me from every side. The teachers looked over from their seats and so did the students. I stood up and walked along the rows with my hands in my pockets.

"That was a heartwarming speech Karks. Sounds like I missed a lot huh? Sorry about that, but I don't deserve praise..i merely gave the idea and donated first, but you guys were the ones who made it all happen, correct?" I said with a smirk. From the corners of my eyes I saw my friends rise up all of them with wide eyes filled tears. Karkat stood at the podium and was shocked. Next thing I know everyone's flooding over me with their arms open. Hugs from everyone. I was missed a lot apparently. But Karkat storms down and walks to me, and as he gets close he throws a right hook to my cheek. I turned to him.

"Welcome back you FUCKASS," he said with tears. I chuckled and wiped the blood from my lips that spilled.

"'s good to be back,"

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