Amporas and Makaras

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I stared at Kankri and kept my eyes at his grin. It was just unnaturally disturbing. Kankri steps in and closes the door. Giggling. He was just giggling like an idiot.

"Oh my little brother is here as well! #karkat!" He makes his way to Karkat and crouches down. "Karkat karkat Karkat I appreciate it if you would wake up! Wake up! Open thy eyes Karkat and stop sleeping like a little wriggler now! #wriggler!"

I grab his shirt and move him over.

"Kankri shut up and sit down and don't fucking move," he giggles nodding and sways back and forth humming. I turned to Karkat and shook him lightly. "Karkat get up man we have an issue here," he only turned and grumbled. I sighed.
"Karkat get up your damn brother is here and is practically high off his ass!"

He finally starts moving and sits up rubbing his eyes. He hisses in protest to my rude awakening technique. Which was anything but rude. He looks over and blinks finally noticing Kankri.

"Oh youre awake! You're awake! Wonderful! Karkat I have so much to tel you soon! You have to sit and let me lecture you on one of these fine days and allow me to move and laugh about as I do!" He chuckles.

You would think that someone whose fucking high would be peacefully laying back and not being obnoxious. But with kankri it was a different story.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Karkat shouts. Kankri giggles uncontrollably.

I sigh as Karkat tries to speak some sense into him. I pull out my phone and call up Cronus. Poor Ampora is going to be pissed. Moment after I called him and told him, it was only minutes before he suddenly appeared at my door.

I opened it just to wind up being shoved aside by a very concerned fish. He goes to Kankri who is still giggling.

"Cronus!" He shouts and reaches up for a hug. Cronus stands there baffled.

"Kankri who did this to you? What happened?!" He shouted. Kankri puts his hands to his lips and shush's him.

"Shh....! Respect the neighbors Cronus hehehe. And oh it was the most delirious thing! And painful as well..hehe but i was made to be relaxed and happy! felt good afterward hehehe! He said deliver yourself to strider! And that's what I did! Hehehe!"

"Alright that's enough. Sorry Cronus and Kankri," I couldn't take it anymore. I lifted my hand and straightens it. I slammed it to the back of his neck and just like that he passed out. Cronus catches him and holds him closely. Karkat frowns and sits with a sigh.

"Check him," I said.


"Cronus check his body...make sure he's not wounded. His clothes are a wreck and so is his hair, so check to make sure,"

He nods and sets Kankri down. He carefully lifts up his shirt and notices his long pants having a few scratches and holes through them. He holds in his breath and i can see the anticipation and worry in his eyes. He was scared to know if anything 'else' had happened to his beloved Kankri. He removes the sweater and notices bruises and scratches on his chest, shoulders, arms and his wrist. I looked closer at his wrists. The bruises looked as though someone tied his arms behind him. Behind me I could hear growls coming from Karkat. As much as Karkat hated his brothers lectures and ways of seeking attention, he loved his brother very much. He loved his family. His friends. And i understood how that was like. I love my family and friends. Cronus's body was shaking, his eyes inspecting every scratch, bruise, but when he looked to his neck he saw bite marks. He froze. He looked up at me and i looked at him. We both knew that something else did happen to Kankri. And there was no way Cronus was going to let this down. He dressed Kankri back up and sat down with his hands together before him. He was trembling. It was silent. All you could hear was the ticking of the clock. Karkat pulled out his phone and called his father. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking why Kankri? And why now? I sighed just as my phone vibrates. I answered with very monotone like voice.


"David is my brother there? I need to speak to him as does father. We need to discuss a few family issues,"

It was fucking Eridan. I growled.

"He has his own issues right now. And where did you get my god damn number? I fucking despise the shit out of you,"

"My best friend gave it to me of course,"

"Gamzee right?"

"Yes, now if you please I know my brother is with you cause he texted me but you need to put him on the phone since he is not answering his own,"

"I don't need to do shit and as for your best friend. He's going down. He's either gonna be dead or in prison," I hang up and put my phone on silent. The only Ampora I will even listen to is Cronus. And the only Makara I will listen to is Kurloz. This is going far enough. And i refuse to let it go so far. Great. Another thing to watch out for.

"Cronus, you, Kankri, and Karkat can all stay here for tonight," I'll be up all night to keep watch for anything. So go ahead and find the guess room down the hall. Karkat you can take my room," both nod agreeing and head to the rooms without another word.

I took my phone out and called Dirk.

"Bro it's late....what do you want...?" He says with a yawn.

"We have trouble...let's just say it may or may not cause war between the Makara and Ampora family..."

".....tell me everything,"

I spilled everything and once I was done he fell silent. We both knew something was going to happen. And we both knew that there was no stopping Cronus. We had to find a way to stop Gamzee. While continue with the worries of my old man. Or used to be old man. War is coming and it won't be pretty.

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