Unleashed beast

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Today was the final day. The last day to search for Dirk and Karkat with aid from the police. But with how no clues were turning up, it was inevitable that the police were pretty much ready to say fuck it kid. By now if this guy is as serious as what he says he is, then they are most likely dead. Which I know is a lie because Karkat and Dirk are stronger than that. We all knew it. But the police were not going to take any chances. So we had to take matters into our own hands. Bro and I sat in Kanrki's room with the others along side us as we looked through all the info Dirk had collected on Ronalds. And from my experience of living with the guy, all of the information was practically spot on. Everything from his career to family to relatives and even his past as a child. It was all really just in great detail. When Dirk wanted info he was determined to get it. And boy was he really determined with this one. I couldn't blame him though.

"Okay so along with his career as a politician, he also worked with engineering, constructions, and regular industries. Basically packing shit in boxes right?" Bro asks.

"Yeah, but a few years ago the industry business began to fail and he wasn't exactly running it right so the entire business got shut down. For good." I answered.

"Okay are there any warehouses standing?"

"As far as i know no, most of them were torn down and turned into other businesses that he had attempted to follow,"

"If that's true mate, then what if he had a warehouse that was still standing?" Jake suggests. I thought about it and tried to look back into my memories. I know I have visited every warehouse. No that was a lie. There was one warehouse he kept secret. That one never managed to open up in the first place.

"I know where they are.." everyone turns to me. "I know where he's holding them!" I jumped up and quickly went next door to my apartment, but stopped before my door and stared down at the floor. There was another package just laying there across the floor. I slowly picked it up and stared at it from behind my shades. I took a deep breath in and opened it. Inside was a note attached to a disc. The others stood close by and stared at me. Bro stepped over to me and grabbed my arm lightly.

"Let's get my laptop," we all gathered into my apartment and stood behind Bro as he looked through the disc. There a few video files. One marked with dates that have passed by already. And it started from day one of their disappearance.

"Click the first one..." Bro did as told and pressed play. The video starts playing. All I see is a dark room, then a light turns on and in the center of the room is a large metal pole. I hear movement and a small chuckle. Then I see Gamzee. My blood boils in my veins at the sight of him, but then it freezes immediately as I see Karkat being tied up to the pole  while he's unconscious. Then static. Then another image shows of him awake. And next thing I hear is Ronalds voice. Introducing and greeting a great amount of guests. People watching from above. Karkat turns to Gamzee and tries to reason with him. Gamzee laughs and ehst I see next makes me want to burst in rage. He was putting his hands on my Karkat. And Karkat was doing his best to resist. Then he's stabbed. I felt a crack split through my sanity. Next thing I know Dirk is up and breaks from his restraints and kills Gamzee. He frees Karkat and the two are suddenly fighting a group of men. The recording ends there. My hands were curled into tight fists. I faced the floor and felt my face heat up.

"Dave....let's not go out of control..." Rose says.

"Control....? Hahaha! Hahahaha!" I laughed and laughed with my hand laying flat against my forehead. "Rose there was never a single moment during this whole thing where I have been in control! None of it! And because of me!....because of me! My bro and Karkat are victims here! They've been hurt more than once just because of me!" Beforr i could say anything else Bro standd and punched me to the floor. I look up to him just as his foot connects to my stomach knocking me onto my back. He plants his foot to my head.

"Lil man...shut up and stop it. None of this is your fault. You're not to blame. And i know the words you're going to say and im telling you now if you say it I will best you to the next dimension. Do you fucking hear me man? Get it together. We striders don't freak out so much like this. We make it through everything no matter what. So that's exactly what we will do. Got it?" I stare up at him with wide eyes. His computer makes a beep sound catching out attention.

"Starting now. We have the address to the warehouse," he saves the address to his phone and turns to me. "Ready to go?

I stood up and brushed myself off. I took my shades off the floor and placed them back over my eyes. "I'm ready,"

He grins. "Grab a katana lil man, we got ourselves a pair of dudes to save," I nodded and grabbed a katana. This is the last battle. It's do or die. But I don't plan on dying. I never did. It's time to end this.

'Watch your back Ronalds.....you've unleashed the beast,'

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