Game night, Date night (part two)

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Roxy laughs as she pulls out another slip from the hat. Meanwhile, I just decided to wait until my name and Karkats was called. So to pass time I plugged up my gaming systems and put in Mario kart. Karkat plants himself in my lap and plays second player like always. He was still a really bad player.

"Haha wow karkles you still suck ass"

"Shut the fuck up Strider, at least I'm better than before,"

"Yeah sure, managing to go from 8th place to freaking 5th great achievement dude,"

"It is a great achievement fuck tard! You just wouldn't recognize greatness when you see it!"

"Have you even met me man? Im the definition of greatness Karkles," I said with a laugh. He sneers and smacks my face. I laughed and held him closer to me in my lap. He blushed and leaned against my chest while I rested my chin on the top of his head.

I sat on the couch quietly and ironically as I looked around the group. For once everyone was okay and not tensed at all. Dave was also in a better mood as he sits playing games with Karkat. I was relieved to see everyone happy. This was probably not going to last long knowing everything that was happening around. I stared up at Roxy as she pulled out another slip. She giggles with a wide smile.

"Jakey and Dirky!" She shouts. Next thing I know Nepeta is jumping with glee watching as I dragged Jake into the closet. According to her we were her practical OTP, number one ship out of everyone. Not that i didn't mind of course.

We sat in the closet in silence at first. It was pretty awkward especially since we haven't been able to be near each other for days upon days. I've been so busy on work and keeping an eye on Dave that I failed as a boyfriend.

"W..well ol' chap how have you been? It's what....few days since we really spent even a second together...."

"I know im sorry Jake...." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "This whole situation has been wearing me down.....I can't risk losing Dave Jake....I've lost him twice...I don't think I can handle it again..." I said.

"Dirk...don't..." I feel his hands slide to my cheeks which is when I realized tears were falling down my cheeks. "Don't cry please..." He moves closer and moved my shades up over my head and wiped my eyes. "Everything will be okay....we will get through will not lose your family and i promise that all of us will be there to help as well...okay?" He pressed his forehead to mine. I took a breath in and released it just as he took it away with a kiss. Honestly, I loved when he did this whenever I was stressed out or upset. He held my cheeks gently in his hands as we kissed over and over. I straightened up and pulled him onto my lap. He looked down at me and I lifted my hands to his cheeks which were now filled with heat. He was blushing. I chuckled a bit and kissed him again. He kissed back his hands gripping onto my hair. Which is something that actually turned me on more than I realized considering we haven't done it for months now. He must have noticed it too cause he moves his hands away.

"Jake...don't stop..."


"Shh..." I bury my face into his neck and lightly nibbled on it. He gasps a bit and moans. I chuckled against his skin. We were so going to finish this. I hear the timer go off. We both exited the closet holding hands, with Jake blushing madly.

"Dave we're stealing your guest room," I said and threw Jake over my shoulder.

"D..Dirk put me down!"

"Nope, we'll see you later guys haha," I headed to the guest room and locks the door.

Well there goes Dirk and Jake about to fo bang each other in my guest room. Not that i didnt mind. But I'm hoping they clean up when they're done. Me and Karkat kept playing every game we could until finally Roxy called our names. I grinned and picked up Karkat who cursed and protested against me carrying him. Meanwhile, as I went over to the closet everyone clapped and whistled. As soon as i stepped in the door locked from outside. I smirked and held Karkat close to me as I sat on the floor. He folded his arms and looked at me with great anger and embarrassment. I turned on the lights and chuckled at his reaction.

"You're so adorable,"

"Shut the fuck up Strider,"

"No thanks Karkat just give me a kiss and let's get this make out over with and possibly continued in my room,"

"Fine. Wait what?!"

I kissed him as he holds onto my shirt tightly shaking with a humiliating rage. He was blushing brightly and failed at resisting me. I moved my shades and stared at him with my red eyes. He melted easily after that, but what struck me was thatim sure he got turned on immediately just by seeing them. He shifts a bit in my lap making me feel the bulge that was forming between his legs. Oh yeah he definitely got turned on which really wasn't my full intention but hey can't complain.

I pulled away from the kiss and stared up at him, "Tell me Karkles...what do you want?" I slid my hand up to his horn and grabbed it. He purrs with a small moan. "Go on..."

He purrs, "" He pulls me closer to him by my shirt and on instinct my grip on his horn tightened. He gasps tilting his head back. I buried my face into his neck and left marks all over it. We were completely out of control. Just as the time went off I couldn't just let it end there. I picked him up and kicked the door open.

"Alright guys we will see you within two hours feel free to eat play games etc." I walked by everyone who just stared at us. Roxy laughs and falls back. John gives a thumbs up. Rose claps and giggles.

"Good luck taking that D Kk," Sollux says with a laugh.

I smirked and went into my room and closed the door. I threw Karkat to the bed and tore my shirt off as well as his and climbed over him. He stared up at me blushing.

"Well karkat no backing out now,"

"Fuck you," he growls pulling my head forward to his face.

I chuckled and leaned to his ear.

"I'm on it babe,"

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