Ch.2 Reunion and Heartbreak

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After the ceremony was completed, everyone gathered at Dirk's house. I was relieved to learn that since I left there was nothing else going on. Bo incidents. No trouble. It somewhat made me feel more like I was at fault for what occurred, but Dirk would always tell me that none of the shit was my fault. But of course I would nod and act like I understood. I never did.

"So where the hell did your ass fucking go?" Karkat asks. From behind my shades I'm staring at him. He still doesn't remember anything about us or what happened and everyone believed it was okay to not tell him, but that was all my idea. Everyone just listened.

"My ass? Well my ass winded up in the harsh state of New York, right at the middle of Time Square. Yeah it was a long ass drive. But shit I just went with it," I said.

"Damn New York? How did you even survive?" John wonders. I laughed.

"Being homeless for a month was a pain the ass bro. Like one had no food. But that I was actually used to cause of...well reasons. Second, no sleep in this god damn city that was up and running twenty four-seven but it was worse at night. The third thing is I had no way to move my shit so I payed for storage. After a month passed I found an apartment rental. I went in cleaned everything out and shit and moved all my shit in and then got settled in. Due to my young ass age and background the landlord was pretty chill with waiting for payments and crap,"

"So what did you do for money? And what about school?" Rose asks.

"Dude I made a living off working two jobs, and also two personal hobbies. Drawing my comic and making music, especially under a alias. Which is actually the name I have on the chats," I was feeling pretty proud of myself as I kept explaining everything. "Also as for school, I took online classes. Graduated a year sooner and kept my grades up for once usually I didn't care but I had nothing else to really do besides work so I decided why the hell not. Passed with flying fucking colors,"

"So your ass has been busy huh?" Dirk asks. I nodded and gave a thumbs up. He smirks. "Good. What are you going to do now though?"

"I'm moving into an apartment building in town by the comic store, so I'll probably stay there and find a job. Or two and keep up with my hobbies," I say with a shrug. Next thing I know the door opens and Bro walks through and looks at me. He pauses and walks out then walks back in again.

"Sup Bro?" I say as casually as possible. Next thing I know he tackles me.

"You fucking little shit welcome back and get ready to get an ass whooping you prick," he says quietly to my ear. I closed my eyes and raised a hand to his head. He takes in a deep breath and Pat's my shoulders.

"Sorry for disappearing man....but I'm back to stay,"

"You better be, now celebrating time! Everyone get into your swimwear! The pool is being cleaned and I'm gonna start the grill!"

As everyone took their bags and headed to the bathrooms or Dirk's room to change, I decided to go outside and lean against my car as I stared down. There was something in my gut that kept bothering me. And that feeling was never a good one. I stood up straight and took my tie off and my vest tossing it into the front seat of my car. Next thing I know a black car pulls up and a familiar face shows up. Gamzee Makara. I turned to him as he walks over. He turns noticing I'm there.

"Well if it isn't Dave...what's up mutherfucker?" He says with a grin. He looked high as shit.

"What are you doing here you damn clown?" I said. I may not have a right to since it's been years since our last altercation. But even so I never trusted the Makara family. Except Kurloz. He was okay. But Gamzee and his dad I never trusted at all.

"I'm here to pick up my fucking date man. Karkat and I are celebrating graduation mutherfucker,"

I felt my heart stop.


"Yeah man. We together bruh. You fucking feel me man? I changed and shit and now he my fucking Karkitty man. He's my man mutherfucker,"

I kept quiet and opened the door and walked in. Karkat was in the kitchen his tone off as he stood with his usual clothing having changed. I walked over to him slowly.

"Karks...uh..Gamzee is outside...."

"Oh fuck he's early...well alright I'll being go out with him. So just celebrate the fucking graduation. See ya whenever Strider," he brushes past me. I grab his wrist real fast stopping him.

"Be careful man...something isn't right...."

"What would you know you fucker?" He pulls away, "You were gone for years so don't go warning me like you know shit now, time has gone you asshole and everything's different. If you're going to fucking judge my matesprite then fucking go back to New York!" He rushes out the door and leaves. I stood there with a deep pain in my chest. I felt like I was going to break. How much had changed since I left? When did this happen? How did it happen? And why...why did it have to be the clown of all fucking people?! I clenched my teeth tightly and punched the wall behind me with a loud 'bam!' Everyone walked out the rooms and looked over to me. Dirk and Bro walked in and noticed the silence. My hand went into the wall creating a hole. I kept it there for a while before removing it with a swift movement. My hand was covered in dust and fresh blood. I looked to the others with a glare behind my shades. I lifted my hand and laughed a bit as i put my other hand to my head. I turned my back to them and walked out to my car. I got in the driver's seat and could hear my name being called. I started up the car and drove off the apartment in town. It was best that I left anyway...everything was better without me around. My apartment had all of my shit in it already and everything was set up by a friend of mine. I got my keys and walked in. I laid on the couch and sighed while removing my shades. My breathing was off and my body shook. I felt tears pour down my face and I felt my hand sting with the air brushing by against it.

"Welcome home Dave Strider...."

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