Ch.3 Catch up and Danger

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The next day I cleaned up my apartment and just moved everything into different places, until I felt comfortable. It was already two in the afternoon by the time I had finished. My hand was perfectly bandaged and already on its way to healing. I sat in front of my t.v. with a cartoon brightly lit on the flat screen. I was ready to relax and get comfortable until a knock happens to sound at my door.

"What the fuck....who is it?!" I shout.

"'s me...Dirk....I have Bro John Jake Jade and Rose and Roxy Kurloz and Meulin with me...."

I sighed and got up to unlock the door. Once it was open I sat on the couch and grabbed my bottle of Apple juice.

"Welcome to my humble abode, drinks in fridge don't touch the Apple juice or Doritos, as for everything else in the kitchen I don't give a shit," I took a sip of my Apple juice and sat the bottle down.

"So why are you guys here?" I asked but I'm sure the tone in my voice wasn't the one that they wanted to hear.

"What the hell happened yesterday man?" Dirk asks.

"Gamzee fucking Makara..."I stood up folding my arms and turned to them. Kurloz raised his hand to say something and Meulin translated as he signed.

"Um..kurloz said that uh...Gamzee and Karkitty have..well...been hiding their secret....and no one mew about it...kurloz had no idea either..."

"So no one knew?"

"I only suspected..." I looked over at Rose. "It was actually after Christmas vacation ended. Gamzee was going crazy and was fighting people...he was sober...from what i have been told by Kanaya. Karkat became a new victim, and at the time he was still in the process of recovering. But then he managed to quiet Gamzee down...and they hugged it out as if they were best began there...then Karkat decided to take it upon himself to watch for Gamzee to make sure he wouldn't go crazy or mad...we kept telling him no.and even Kurloz had attempted, but nothing worked. The two were close friends again,"

" way Gamzee would even attempt to be friends with him...he's faking im sure..."

"They started hanging out more frequently and then no one saw Karkat at lunch anymore "

I sighed and sat on the couch and leaned back.

"Honestly dave we had no clue of what was going on...all we had to work with just karkat disappearing at lunch but returning to class after,"

"Did Kankri know?"

"Um...I am not quite sure. If he did..." rose says.

"This is really messed up though....." John says.

"What do you mean John?" Jade asks.

"I thought Gamzee...was dating Terezi..."

Kurloz jumps in waving his arm and nods signing madly fast.

Meulin nods and translates with a slight bounce, "That's right! Terezi and Gamzee are matesprites!"

"What?!" Everyone shouted.

"Wait so he's playing both Karkat and terezi?!" I shouted.

"Someone get Vriska on the phone we gotta see if she knows," John takes his phone out and dials her number. She answers and he explains everything. Afterward, she's silent.

"I knew about Gamzee and Terezi. But Karkat? Hell no. No way he's going to get away with this shit," she says with a hiss.

"We can't do anything right now," Bro says.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look I understand where you're coming from bro but as it stands we can't do this with the two not present. We need Karkat and Terezi together and speak to them,"

"Then can we fuck up the clown?" Vriska asks. He laughs and gives us total consent.

Next thing I know my phone vibrates within the cave that is my pocket. I pulled it out and answered it. "Yo Dave Strider spea-"

"David David David oh my dear gog please tell me you are with Karkat. He has not come home. He has not been answering his phone. He hasn't messaged me or anything and he usually does whenever he leaves and during time inbetween of which hes gone. By close to sunset yesterday he left the house and has not gotten in touch with me or ever even called. And im terrified to the bone I need your general assistance and skill please help," he hangs up and I toss the phone aside. I grabbed a pocket knife and turned to the others.

"What's the matter mate?" Jake asks.

"Karkat hasn't returned home to Kankri at all since he left the house yesterday. No calls or messages. So Kankri wants us to find him or well me,"

"Hold it we dont even know where to start looking," Dirk says.

Kurloz steps in and signs again.

"I know a mew places around where he could be," Meulin says.

"Do you know where they are located?" I asked. He nodded. I nodded back. "Good let's go." I grabbed my keys and shoes and headed for the door. "Volunteers to come with me besides Kurloz?"

"You know I am." Dirk says smirking.

"Then I will as well," Jake says. Of course if Dirk goes jake follows. The two are inseparable.

"Be careful please," Rose says as she and the girls stand together.

Bro smirks and gives a thumbs up"I'll stay, go ahead and do what you need to," I nodded and headed out with the boys. Kurloz decided to drive since he knew the different locations, and of course I was anxious about it. This was my first car and it was practically my second child. First child were my shades.

Within an hour we checked two locations and nothing was there just groups upon groups eating that slimy green shit Gamzee would eat. We made it to the third one and found a hint from one of Gamer's....followers? This just made my awareness mode go up the fucking roof. They called themselves his followers. What in the ever loving fuck was he? A gang leader or some shit? Possibly. We made it to a location that Kurloz never stepped into and we soon found out why.

Kurloz knocked on the door, once it opened we were greeted by a girl about our ages wearing a tight dress. Shit. What did we stumble upon? Let me just list the amount of things we saw. The green slime. Drinks. Weed. Cigarettes. Drugs. And fucking prostitue looking girls. Kurloz signs to one guy, I'm guessing he was asking for Gamzee. The guy pointed to a large hall to the left.

" prepared for some wicked ass noises bruh," The guy says chuckling like a mad man. His breath smelled like fucking beer and that slime shit put together in some orgy pile of shit. I held back from shoving him feet away from me, but Kurloz politely move him over.

We headed down the hall slowly and cautiously, but the noises around us were horribly distracting until a massive blood curdling scream shattered the heavy secured walls around my being. Three doors down from the one we were at was where it came from.

"Karkles..I'm on my way."

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