Future plans

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Today was a stay at home day. It was pouring rain. A bit chilly and also no work for me and no school for Karkles. It was just us time. And what's a perfect morning to this dull blank yet beautiful day, without a little teasing to the guy? And by that you know what I mean.

We were laying in bed early morning, with my arm around him, and his face buried into my naked chest. I yawned and slowly opened my eyes only to direct them down to him. I smiled and lightly ran my hand through his messy black hair that was as soft as a cats. His eyes slowly opened and gazed up at me with the most crankiest look ever. I chuckled.

"Morning KitKat,"

"Don't fucking call me that dipshit..." He says with a growl. I smirked and just kept running my hand through his hair petting him. He purrs quietly and just cuddles against me. I couldn't resist it. He's just too cute. I kissed his head and held him closely with my chin resting against his head. He smiles a bit and sighs.  I smirked and leaned over to his horns and licked one of them.

"A..ah...! D..Dave...w..wait...!" I ignored him and kept licking his horn while.my hands clenched through his hair as he purred. He moans as I wrap my lips around one horn while my other hand held the other.

"N..ngh..." I rolled over and shoves over him as I kept sucking on his horn. My hand glides down to his underwear and slid underneath reaching toward his nook. I slid a finger in, and as soon as i do Karkat gasps with his hands clutching onto the bed. I fingered him slowly and gently for a bit and moved to suck on his other horn. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were closed tightly. His face was in a red color, and his body was beginning to heat up. I slid another finger in and decided to get a bit more extreme. My pace quickened and my force became stronger as I continued to move my fingers in and out of him. He moans quietly trying to catch his breath as his body shakes. I feel his so called genetic material suddenly soak over my hand. I lifted my hand and licked some off.

"W..what the fuck...S..strider...?" He sighs laying his head back against the pillows. I chuckled and kissed him but then next thing I know I end up on bottom.

"Whao..taking charge?"

He growls.

"Damn right am!" He shouts and starts having his way with me. It felt good. It felt great and I knew that this kind of wake up call was something I really needed. Sounds a bit wrong but hey what can I say?

Afterward, we sat together eating breakfast and discussing about what to do today. Until Karkat asked a question....a very good question.



"..um...well....after we get married....um...W..well what...do you want to do...? Cause I was thinking...about...maybe..having a little wriggler..."

"Hmm...I have thought about having a kid too....at first I though I wasn't ready...but...I think I wouldn't mind.."


"Yeah..i can picture us getting a new house...having a kid or two..building a good family..." I smiled a bit and looked down. "I guess I thought of it though as a therapeutic dream...because it was something i didn't have. A good family to take care of me or to care for...but now I realize that I gained a family the day I stepped into the school building...and met everyone in person and regained my brothers..."


"I was happy to finally have people to love and care for my unbelievable ironic ass. And then you came along Karkat Vantas. You stepped further into my world...or rather I kind of dragged you in when you got caught up with Gamzee and eridan..."

"Hey! I was glad you did! If i hadn't saw what happened you would have gone off the deep end! I know how fucking pathetic you get so it's pretty much easy to tell you were ready to END. I could also tell because i had the same feelings of wanting the end....to me," he says. I stared at him.

"If we do plan to have kids...we have to make sure that...they don't feel such heavy burdens themselves....if they need us we be there no matter what. Even if god for bid the world is coming to a close. We still be there and offer chocolate and apple juice and Doritos. By the way what's a good lunch to pack for them?"

"Why are you asking me when I barley ever ate lunch from home or school jackass?"

"Cause I barley ate shit period?"

"Well I don't fucking know!"

"So should we ask kanaya and rose?"

"Oh god no they will being up this whole lecture of parenting god awful mess I don't want to hear! Its almost as bad as kankri's lecturing assheadself and his whistle leading him in too!"

"Hahah good one...oh and where should our wedding be?"

"Uh...oh shit...um I don't even know.."

"Dude we have so much to plan,"

"I know!"

We both laughed and smiled. It was a rather good discussion to have. And with nothing in our way anymore we were free to do what we wished. I loved having time to be with him. They were always my best times in the world. I couldn't ask for anything better. Maybe, we'll discuss this with rose first, possibly kanaya, but I'm a little sketchy on that note. Kankri is a no go. I feel so sorry for when he has kids with Cronus, cause I know they will have some. But god the lectures they will get.

"Maybe, if our kids misbehave we can punish them with Kankris long lectures,"

"Haha oh gog no! That's too torturing of a punishment!" Karkat shouts with a laugh.

Maybe it was torturous, but hey better than getting your games and shit taken away along with privileges right? Atleast that's how I see it. Wonder what everyone else would see it as. Cause I know they all have their own future plans to come up with. And i know we'll all be involved, just like the family we are.

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