Round 2 and defeat.

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It's been two whole days now and I feel like absolute trash. Like mega vomiting induced shit. Probably because Dirk and I have been taking beatings for the passed couple of days just so it could please the masses. Please the wealthy fuckers who were practically just there since they have so much money they have nothing else to do with their own pathetic lives. Dirk was always fighting and managing to break out every now and then, but then Gamzee would tie him back up. What made me want to kill the clown was whenever he would put his hands on me. Whenever he would touch me in places I don't want to be touched, but hey being tied up all day doesn't really help my situation.

"Dammit how long will this fucking last...?" I grumbled.

"When the others find us....and trust me they will. Dave won't stop at nothing....and i know Jake won't either. Those two fighting together is kind of a dangerous combination, but with Bro there too it's even way worse,"

"Way to attempt to reassure my ass that our loved ones will come to get us. But when and how? We don't even know where the fuck we are,"

"I have a small idea of where...but I can't be sure just yet, when you wanted a plan to be made to stop all this shit I took the liberty of digging around everywhere I could. Naturally this whole set up here is a trap to get to Dave and my Bro. Since that man wants us Striders gone. And he got you as a second like prize because your the Signless's kid,"

"Okay if you went and digger around like a god damn mole digging into the ground what the fuck did you find?"

"Can't say here man.....not when we are being watched everywhere..." He says growling.

The sound of a door slamming shut grabs our attention as we look to the right. Ronalds walks over holding his video camera in one hand and his cane in the other.

"Hell there kitties, how are you feeling?"he says with an evil grin.

"I feel the need ro kill you slowly," Dirk says growling. Ronalds laughs.

"I wish you the best of luck Dirk, ah you remind me a lot of your father but your eyes are mutated like David's giving you the same demonic vibe," he says crouching down to Dirks level.

"Shut up you fat fucking bastard!" I cried. "He's not a demon! Neither of them are!"

"That's funny coming from a demon himself," he says standing. He holds up the camera. "But let's have a little fun tonight shall we?" He leans to my ear, "I'll make sure David gets these tapes, it will be a delight to see him enraged when he arrives," he chuckles and walks off grinning widely. I glare at the ground and pull on my restraints in rage with a low growl.

"Vantas...what are you thinking?" Dirk asks. I turned to him with a glare. "Huh that's a new look of anger. Heh well whatever you do, don't forget to count me in," he says with a smirk. I nod.

It has been two whole days. I have searched all over the place and so has Jake. Dirk and Karkat are nowhere to be found. I don't know how long we will last like this. Any longer and who knows it's possible the police will even stop their search. But knowing Ronalds he's using the two to reach me. And i know it. But at the same time he wants to torture me, by hurting the ones I love.

I stood in Dirk's room at his place. If i knew anything it's that is Striders do anything we can to get the fuckers off our backs. And if someone messes with family, then it's time to find out everything and anything about the fuckers. Dirk was like my older Bro who was constantly working with technology and computers. He knew everything there was to hacking or collecting information. He was anywhere and everywhere. I sat in his chair and logged into his computer. Normally it would have been locked, but I have managed to figure out his password once or twice. So i knew how to get in. I roamed through his files. But nothing was turning up. I searched and searched, but I couldn't find anything in there.

"If i was Dirk where would I hide files of all the people I look up on," I saw one file that supposedly had nothing in it. But if that was the case then why would he really need it within the pile of folders he already has. I looked around his desk and noticed a hard drive. I plugged it in and within seconds the file that was empty soon became filled with tons of information. I scrolled through it all and noticed a file with my name on it.
"Huh? Why does he have a file on me?" I clicked it and saw everything in regards to when we separated, to my birth, to my old school of pre-k, to the classes I took online. But whenever he tried to find my location something stopped him, but then he recorded the day I entered the school but he put a question mark. Probably because he didn't believe I would wind up showing up there at all. I chuckled. This guy was trying to find me for the longest. I laughed and felt tears sliding down my face. This guy I loved him a hell of a lot, and I was determined to being him back home. I looked through the files once more and spotted one with the letter R typed as it's name. I clicked on it and everything was there. Locations of places Ronald would often check into, the people he acquainted himself with.


Nightfall has come again. And the entertainment of our torture continues.

"Well shall we try something new?!" Ronalds shouts. Gamzee stands beside me with his hand gripping my hair tightly. Blood dripped from my lips and cuts and bruises engulfed my body with pain. "Everyone has learned the anatomy of a troll correct? The full body including the horns. Well Vantas is a very sensitive little troll," the crowd laughs at me. "Is pain better if it's also pleasureable?"

"Hehehe look karbro it's teasing time," Gamzee says laughing. He pulls me up and slams me against a metal table that sat in the center. He had me lay back and pulled a knife out. He used one hand to grab my horn tightly sending a massive shiver down my spine. I felt my face heat up, but then I felt a stinging pain erupt in my side. I couldn't scream. Couldn't think. But then his hand rubbed my horn and turned it all into a mixture of pain and pleasure. I couldn't breathe. It was fucking suffocating me to no end!

"Back off of him!" I hear Dirk shout, and next thing I know blood splatters all over me. It was purple blood. I slowly gained control of myself and looked over to see Dirk who managed to break free and grab a blade. He jabbed it straight into Gamzee's chest.

"Round 2..and you're defeated this easily..what a disappointment," Dirk says with a glare in his eyes. Gamzee grins, but as he falls back he mouths a few words to me as his body fell limp to the ground. Dirk cuts my restraints and pulls me up.

"Aw had to kill our clown? How unfortunate. Well then how about a death match?!" Ronald says snapping his finger as men pile in holding all kinds of weapons. I grabbed a sickle like blade that they had prepared, probably for this sick twisted shit, and stood beside Dirk. 

"How well can you fight Karkat?"

"Well enough to fucking live is how,"

"Then let's dance,"

"Damn right!" We jumped into the fray of men and fought to survive.

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