Round one

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It's been quiet for the passed month or so and nothing is really going on. Everyone has work or school. I'm juggling both, and managing to do it without totally losing my mind over everything. Gamzee has completely disappeared off the face of the earth and hasn't been heard from by anyone, not even his followers who practically half have decided to leave. I haven't gotten a single package or letter or anything from Ronald which was not really surprising. If anything I knew Ronald and he knew me, so he knew that i knew that he was waiting to make a perfect move. For now I tend to keep my guard up where ever I go no matter who I'm with. Kankri has also been doing the same thing, and Cronus is fucking worried sick about him. Porrim is always checking on him as Kanaya would check in on Karkat.

Meanwhile, this week I have off from work and school so my ass is just laying in bed all day bored waiting for Karkat to come over. Did I mention Kankri and Cronus moved in next door? Well guess what? They did. I even installed a security system with permission from the land lord of course. And it turned out really well.

I sat up in my bed and decided to go ahead and leave the apartment for a change. I got dressed and walked out the door locking it and the security locks. I sent karkat a message telling him I was heading out, and left the building without a clear idea of what I wanted to do. I got in my car and started driving. My first thought was to go ahead nad bug one of our friends who works at the mall which is about half the group. My second thought was to go downtown. I decided to follow the second route and prepared for a one hour drive. During the ride down the highway I got a regular call from a regular dude. He doesn't usually call due to his work. His name is Lil Cal. He and I met through Dirk. He was actually the one who drove me from here all the way to New York. He was one cool dude although he and Dirk had a shared interest with the fucking smuppets. The awful stuffed, plushy beasts of sex filled inhumanity. I could seriously go all day ranting on those. But I choose not to judge them for their fetishes or whatever it is. Once down town I decide to grab a bite to eat, and as soon as I park my car my phone vibrates. I look over and it's a text message from a random number.

'No..wait I know that number.....' I picked up my phone in both hands and quickly scrolled down the messages as more of them piled in my inbox. All from the same number. I clicked on the first one:

Recieved: 12:40pm



HoW aRe YOU?! HoW iS KaNkRi BrO dOiNg?





AnD SoMeOnE iS dYiNg tO mEeT yOu


That last message sent chills down my spine, but it also filled me with anger. I shoved my phone into my pocket and went into a restaurant, which was actually a pizza place. I sat down and immediately called Karkats father.

"So you're telling me he's going to come to you...?" He asked.

"I think so..but that last message..bothers me....a lot.."

"How so?"

"There's only one person who is literally dying to see me or get to me in any form or fashion,"

"Ronalds....alright I will inform the authorities,"

"Thanks..." I hung up and felt no need to eat anymore.

I got up and left the place but as soon as I do I hear a honking sound. I glare and slowly make my way to my car and look to the side to see big purple letters painted with spray paint over my car, and a fucking smiley face.

Honk :0)

I clenched my fists and carefully went around to the back of my car and was greeted with a punch to my face. I grabbed the hand and flipped him over. Gamzee. He looked up at me with his same stupid look. He pulled me down a bit and elbowed my face causing me to stumbled back; a kick followed to my stomach and a hook to my chin. I coughed a bit and removed my shades putting them to my pocket. People are were watching. Some in the stores and restaurants, others who were walking stopped to record us. Or to just stare. I held my fists up ready as Gamzee charged forward but this time he pulled a club from his sweaters large pocket. He swings it down onto me, but misses as I move away and wrap my ankles around his legs turning my legs just to have him fall to the floor dropping his club. I move and pin him down by his throat and throw punch after punch to his face. Next thing I know I feel pain erupt in my side. He stabbed me. I cringe as he headbutts me and throws me off. I held my side and coughed as he kicks the same wounded area causing me to scream a bit. He laughs, but sirens were heard in the distance. He glares at me.

"Round mine mutherfucker," he runs off leaving me to bleed on the ground. I look up to the sky feeling my consciousness slip. Fucking hell why me? Can I just die now? I thought as I blacked out.

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