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I am so fucking late, and i know damn well Karkat is going to throw a hissy fit about it. I tried to make it from work as fast as i could, but i got caught up on one order that needed to be finished quickly. It's been five years since we have been married, and even longer since we got together. We bought our apartment complex, redid the whole building from his broken down like state and mad a glorious ironic mansion out of it. We both work, with him as a caretaker for animals at a shelter since for some reason he loves animals, especially cats. And we even adopted a little troll girl. Her name was chosen by Rose and Kanaya who decided that Lizzy would be like a good name since its like an alternative way of saying m middle name. And this little girl has been the next best thing to happen in my life. And today all three of us were supposed to have a cartoon movie marathon together with pizza, candy, and snacks of all kinds along with our fello apple juice in order to celebrate her birthday. I parked my car and ran inside only to be greeted by a very pissed off Karkles. His arms were folded and his cute scowl completely visible.

"Now listen i know you're mad...but i had to finish an order..and i didn't mean to be late you know, i'm only like an hour late?"

"David Elizabeth Fucking Strider! An hour is a lot of fucking time!"

"Karkles i'm sorry..."

"Oh i'm not the one you should be apologizing to dipshit, Lizzy is waiting," 

I sighed and picked up a bag i had brought with me. A gift inside for my cool daughter. I walked into her room and found her sitting in front of a t.v. playing video games. She usually would be playing Mortal Kombat if she was pissed off, and to my luck she was. I slowly walked in and kneeled.

"Lizzy..h..hey...um i'm sorry for being late...daddy had...a lot of work to finish...." She turns to me with her red eyes, and her black hair hover around her face in a messy kind of way while her bangs laid across her face covering one eye, she was wearing a tshirt we gave her of me, and karkat as teens, and a pair of jeans, and her horns looped around similar to Aradia's style.

She pauses the game and looks at me, "Daddy...is work more important..?"

"What? Hell no it's not. That's why to make it up to you and Karkles, i changed my entire schedule for this week," I picked her up and sat her in my lap. I pulled out my phone and showed her my calender. "I have no work the rest of the week, so that we can all spend time together. We can do whatever. How does that sound?" she smiles and hugs my neck.

"Sounds awesome!"

"Great, but don't tell mama yet, it's a surprise since our anniversary is also this week. Shush,"


"And here i got you something," I held up the bag to her and smiled. She squealed a bit and looked inside the bag only to grin like crazy. Yes, i did this for very ironic purposes. She pulls the box out revealing a pair of black shades, but these were in her style which was wearing oval shaped like glasses, therefore they were an oval shaped pair of shades. She smiled and hugged me tightly and placed them on.

"We're both cool now!" she says with a laugh. 

"Damn right! I got a pair for Karkat too let's give them to him!"

"Yes!" we ran out the room to find Karkat sitting in the living as he sets up the movies and snacks. 

"Heyyy mama Vantas!"

"What the hell dave stop calling me that-" he stops and looks at Lizzy.

"Look! look! daddy got me these shades!"

"And here's one for you karkles," i toss him a pair of black ones with red like lenses. He looks at us with such shock and confusion, but puts them on anyways.

"Am i cool now?"

"You were always cool karkles," i plant myself beside him and kiss his cheek just as Lizzy jumps onto us tackling us into a tight hug. 

"I got something too," Karkat stands and goes into the other room before coming back and holding up three shirts two for us and one for Lizzy. They were shirts with a picture of the three of us when we adopted her. She smiles and takes hers and changes as she smiles widely.

"Ironic!" she shouts giggling.

I had to laugh and change my shirt as well. Karkat did the same.

"You've learned a lot from the masters Karkat i'm very proud, but i love it cause it's really cool and sweet man, thanks a lot,"

"Yeah, now lets start watching movies already," Me and Lizzy nodded as we started up the tv and pressed play. 

Lizzy sat in between the two of us as with a smile as her eyes stayed glue to the movie that was playing. Karkat had one arm behind her wrapping around her and making its way to my hand which held his. I would take quick glances at the two most important people in my life. They were everything to me. They were my world. And this was a world i will love and never give up for anything or anyone. No longer will i ever be alone because i have them. My family. My loved ones. They will always be with me as i am with them. And up above i know Bro is proud, and he's smiling with tears over us while clutching a giant smuppet. I'm happy to say that my tale has been changed from dark to light. And now i can honestly say that i know now what it means to have love, a life, and a family. 

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