Ch.5 Its not over

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The next morning, my Bro comes to visit and practically praises me for fighting for a good cause while at the same time avoiding murder. I didn't think I was going to be praised for almost getting killed. But hey, I'm cool with it. Next, was the rest of my crew. All the trolls except eridan and gamzee, and my human friends too. I had to admit the room was getting a bit too full for comfort. But they bought me Doritos, Apple Juice, and Pizza, so I dared not to complain what so ever! I felt loved by them all. However, the only face I haven't seen so far was Karkat. Which was holding me back from leaving the hospital early. I decided to just not bother him for now. I wanted to call him. Hear his voice. Or see his face. I just wanted to make sure he was okay and didn't hate me for everything that I have done. That afternoon, my phone rings and it's Kankri. I was asleep when I finally answered after it had rang for about two hours. I picked it up and answered.

"What do you want Kankri...?" I yawned.

"'s me....Dave..."

Karkat. It was him. His voice.

I sat up right and held the phone tightly. My eyes fully open and my heart just racing at top speed.

"Karkat........" was the only thing I could say. His name.

"I....I just...wanted to check up on fucker..." he said with a small sad like laugh. I smiled a bit.

" what I feel right now....heh....pretty sure that's obvious...." I said.

"I you...mind if I ask you something...? I know you're in the hospital and fucking resting from that damn fight...and before you ask I broke up with Gamzee and told him to go fuck himself and so did Terezi after she found out about his shit...."

"Really?..that's good..what's the question man?'

For a moment he was silent, and all I could hear was his heavy breathing as he got nervous.

"What....what was Gamzee talking about?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"When he said someone else was beating on you...."

I stopped and held my breath. I didn't want him to know. I didn't want him to be afraid anymore. What was I going to do?! I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"''s nothing really"

'You fucking idiot!' you said in your head.

"Don't fucking lie to me you FUCKASS. Tell me the truth,"

"Karkst..I can't......" I said plainly. He sighs.

"Fine. What the fuck ever. Get better and I'm sorry. That's all....bye." he hangs up. I curse and toss my phone on my bed. This whole situation was just getting out of control and it was getting out of control fast. I just got back. My friends have graduated. My ex-boyfriend doesn't remember our relationship or our struggle. I got my ass kicked by a fucking clown. And I probably am only making my relationship with Karkat completely distant by hiding away. I'm only hoping that he doesn't ask Kankri about anything. I frowned and just stared at the wall.

"Excuse me? Strider?" A nurse comes in and hands me an envelope.

"What is this?"

"It was brought in by a man in a suit with a cane, he says that he is a long lost family member and had left,"

"....alright...thank you I guess...." she leaves the room as soon as I start opening it. When I do I see a few sheets of paper inside. I pull then out and feel my heart drop. They were all pictures of me. When I was younger. When I was always being beaten. Who took all of these pictures? And when?! And how?! There was a note left with them.

I hope you had a good few years of sweet freedom David Elizabeth Strider. Because now your life will become a living hell beyond what we have went through in the past. Nothing is over. Nothing is done. I'll be glad to have you come with open arms to my new home. Not far. From the old house. I'll look forward to seeing you real soon David. As is my wife. We miss you so much. Good day and hello Dave, Ronald

My body trembled with a swirl of emotions just rippling through my being. I felt could hear the thumping of my own heart as clear as day. I couldn't believe this shit. I just couldn't. I grabbed my phone and called Bro.

"Dave? Sup?"

"" I shuddered horribly realizing my anxiety was now affecting me. I took a breath in.

"Whao whao Dave slow down. Take a deep breath and count to ten then release,"

I did as told a few times and finally spoke, atleast clear enough for him to understand.

"'s not over....nothing is all. He's back....Bro he'd back..."

"Hold on who is back Dave?"

"Fucking Ronalds Bro!" I cry as I take a deep breath to calm down. "He fucking left pictures of me as a kid getting my ass whooped! And a fucking note! He's gonna come get me again dammit!" I was losing it. I wanted to break down and break everything around me. What the hell was i going to do?!

"Dave Dave calm the fuck down! We are not letting him get to you. Don't worry about s thing. Just focus on resting,"

"Bro I can't....I just....I just can't...I want to go home man....I'm fucking terrified and am crying like a fucking new born!" I cried out. Eyes in the hall hearing my words, and it didn't matter to me. I just wanted to leave. Disappear again. Just go somewhere where I could fucking feel safe!

"Dave...calm. the. Fuck. Down. And lower. Your voice."

I close my mouth and breathe through my nose, as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna check with the doctors and see if we can check you out tonight, but most likely they will say no. If so, I will fucking stay with you tonight. I will stay there with my katana if I have to....I won't let anyone put a fucking hand to your head or even a strand of hair. Do you understand me?"


" hang up, lay down, and sets the pics and shit somewhere away from doctors and nurses...I'll be there in a few minutes," and with thst he hangs up. I sniffled and shoved the note and pics into the envelope and placed it under my pillow. I laid back and curled with my hands to my head. Just when I thought I was free. I was never released from my cage. The chains were still there. Invisible. And wrapped tightly around my whole being. Taking away my life.

It's not over.

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