Haunted (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

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This is my story from Quizilla, i hope you all enjoy it! =)~Vega


I woke up the Saturday before school started to the sound of my mother’s voice.

"Wake up Stormy and wake up Candy, get dressed and come down for breakfast!" she said knocking on the door.

I went into my baby sister, Candy's pink room to find her crying. I walked over to her crib and picked her up.

"What’s wrong, sweetie?" I said I slowly rocked her in my arms and lay her on the changing table. I put her clothes on, and walked out of the room with her in my arms.

When I walked down stairs I was greeted by my younger sister, Rainy and my mother and Father.

"Good morning dear." my father said to me not looking up from the Daily Prophet.

 "Good morning father." I said back. Just then a house elf came in and took Candy out of my arms to feed her.

"How did you sleep Sweetheart?" My mother asked me.

"Well, and you?" I asked.

"Very good." my mother said.

I sat down and started to eat eggs and bacon when my father said, “Your mother and I will be going out tonight and won’t be back until late tonight, Stormy you are in charge of your baby sister until we get back. I would prefer that you and Rainy don’t burn the house down during our absents." he said to me.

 "Of course Father, I will look after Candy and Rainy and I will try our best not to burn the house down." I said with a smirk.

You see on time when me and Rainy were about 10 and still living in Hollywood we had just learned how to use magic and we accidently sat the house on fire. I guess that’s why I love fire.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the door bell sounded.

Soon after our house elf, Charlie, walked in and said, "Mr. Malfoy is here to see Miss Stormy, Master." you see My parents didn’t beat the house elf like most people do and its only because me and Rainy can’t stand it. Charlie bowed before he left the room like he always does and Draco Malfoy walked in.

He was wearing well not what he has wore the past two years, he was wearing muggle clothing, a black AC/DC t-shirt with a black jacket and dark skinny jeans, and black converse. His blue eyes were as amazing as always, but he didn’t seem to happy. Me was frowning, usually when he came over he would have some goofy smile or that stupid smirk of his.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Rainy..." He paused before he said my name and looked at the ground. I knew something was wrong. "Stormy." he finally said.

"Would it be ok with your if Stormy and I talked in private?" he asked my parents.

 "Of course dear go right ahead." my mother said, "Oh and be sure you give Candy a bath Stormy."

"Yes mother." I said then me and Draco walked up stairs to my room. We walked into my room and Draco sat on the end of my bed and put his head in his hands.

 "Draco?" I said, he looked up at me, "What’s wrong, your starting to worry me." I said.

 he took a deep breath and said, "He chose me." that’s all he said to me.

 "Draco, what’s going on please tell me." I begged him.

"HE CHOSE ME STORMY!" he yelled standing up.

"What do you mean, who chose you, what are you talking about?" I asked him my voice lowering.

"WHO DO YOU THINK?" he continued to yell.

"I DONT KNOW!" I yelled back tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Voldemort" he said then started pacing. I sat down on my bed and let the tears roll down my face.

He stopped pacing and looked at me then walked toward me. he bent down and tried to touch my face but I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at him as hard as I could.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" he yelled at me. I stood up.


he got up out of the floor and said, “I don’t know." he tried to hug me but I pushed him away. he stepped back and pulled up his right sleeve and showed me the Dark Mark on his arm, "WHAT, DO YOU NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME NOW?" he yelled at me, I didn’t say anything, "Fine." he said and headed for the door.

"Draco wait." I said has he got to the door.

"What?" he asked. I didn’t say anything he opened the door and was ready to leave, when I ran over to the door and closed it leaning on it to keep him from opening it.

"Please.....please don’t go." I said.

"Why not?" he asked me.

 "Because if you l walk out the door it means that you don’t care about me." I said. "

I don’t care about you though." he said his word stinging worse than any other words I have ever heard before. I moved away from the door.

"FINE LEAVE!!" I yelled and we walked out the door and I prayed he never walked back through it.

Draco's P.O.V

I couldn’t tell her how I felt about her so I didn’t what I had to even though I would regret it seconds after I said it. "I don’t care about you though." I said and I regretted it that second. She stepped away from the door, "FINE" she yelled and I could hear her crying as I walked down the stairs and out the door. Maybe even out of Stormy Carmichaels life.

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