Chapter 18

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"Babe," Grayson's voice wakes me. I snuggle my face into his chest and he laughs sleepily.
"Your phone won't stop ringing." I raise my head and he hands me my phone. I roll off of him onto my back and squint my eyes at my bright phone screen. The phone begins buzzing in my hand so I answer it without thinking twice.
"Where are you?" Amanda's voice screams into my ear.
"What time is it?" I answer her with a question.
"It's eleven in the morning and your parents have been calling me all morning asking about where you've been!" I immediately sit up. I forgot about telling them.
"Did you tell them I was with you?" I ask hopefully.
"I was too worried to think-" my phone starts ringing interrupting her voice.
"I'll call you back." I hang up her call and answer my mom.
"Brielle Amelié Jefferson, where are you?"
"I'm at a friends house." I rush out the words.
"Who's?" Her voice is stern.
"You don't know her I went to the movies last night and it ended too late for me to go home so I just stood with her." The words come out jumbled.
"I want you home right now, young lady."
"I'll be there in twenty." I hang up before she can reprimand me. I look up at Grayson and frown. He sits up with me and gently kisses me.
"You have to go home?"
"Yeah." We both look sad and I wish I never had to leave him.
"Let me get dressed," Grayson stands and goes into the bathroom. I'm only wearing one of his shirts so I find my jeans and put them on. I don't want to take off his shirt just yet. He comes out of the bathroom wearing his joggers and a t-shirt identical to the one I'm wearing. He grabs his keys off of his dresser and we make our way to his car. The car ride is silent and his hand is on my thigh. I stare at him while he drives and he notices and keeps a smirk on his face the entire ride. He pulls up in front of one of my neighbors house and looks over at me. We both smile at each other then lean in and kiss. I don't want to break the kiss but I can't keep my parents waiting any longer so the kiss is short and unfulfilling. I open the car door and right before I shut it he calls my name.
"Good luck," he says and puts on a cheerful smile for me. His adorableness eases my mind for a moment and I try to take a mental picture so I won't get too stressed out by my parents. I close the door then make me way to my front door. When I reach for the doorknob it's pulled out of my reach as my mom opens the door and attacks me with her screams.
"I thought you were at Amanda's! Do you realize how many times I called your phone?" I walk in and shut the door behind me.
"I told you I was at a friend's. You're overreacting." I shrug it off as if it's no big deal but she doesn't recoil.
"Let's see what your father has to say about this." She drags me into my father's office and I try to prepare myself for my father's wrath. Much to my surprise, he doesn't react the way my mom did. My dad asks my mom to leave and shut the door behind her and she does as told.
"Sit down," he says gesturing to a chair. I sit down but I can't look him in the eyes.
"Brielle, were you actually at a friend's house last night?"
"I-I uh-"
"That's what I thought," he sighs a long and disappointed sigh. It's one thing to lie to my mom but my dad and I have always been so close and I could never lie to him. "Was it a guy?"
"Um..." I don't know whether I should finish that sentence.
"I knew this time would come. Brielle I hope your mother and I taught you well enough to always use protection." What?
"Dad oh my God! It's nothing like that I swear!" I am so embarrassed and I feel my face getting red.
"Okay okay okay I believe you. I've known Jack for years and he doesn't seem like the type." Jack? I forgot my parents still think I'm with Jack...
"Exactly." I'm creating an even bigger lie and I know it is soon to blow up in my face but I definitely could not have told my parents I spent the night at my teacher's house.
He dismisses me from his office and I run upstairs to my room and call Amanda. She answers and immediately starts screaming at me.
"What the fuck Brielle. You broke up with Jack?"
"Amanda, it's a long story."
"No, you need to get over yourself. What is with you lately? Where even were you last night?" I don't respond because I am so shocked by all of this.
"Can't even tell me," she scoffs. She hangs up the phone and leaves me speechless. I don't know whether I should cry or scream. I can't believe she would reprimand me for breaking up with someone. It was my choice anyway, not hers. I know I haven't completely been the best lately but she doesn't even know the full story or understand the position I am in. I try not to overthink it because I know that in two days she will forgive me anyway. My cell phone vibrates with a text from Grayson.
*Everything alright?*
Ugh. I cannot deal with this right now.
*not really...* I text back.
*want me to pick you up?* I literally just got yelled at by more than one person for being with him, why does he want me to come over again?
-*idk Gray. I just got in trouble for staying with you.*
-*well at least they know*
-*they think I was at Jack's*
-*oh. Well let me know if you need anything.*
I feel like he's annoyed by the whole Jack thing but it's honestly better that they think I'm still with Jack than him. Just then my mom comes barging into my room.
"After what you pulled last night, tomorrow will be mandatory family time." She closes the door and I can hear her high heels click against the stairs. She's always forcing mandatory family time and it never goes well. I love spending time with my brother, Cody, but my mom somehow always ruins the day for us all. I roll my eyes at the thought of the ridiculous activities my mom has planned for us. Tomorrow better go well.

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